Panel Spacers for Passage Door
Small spaceballs work for letting cabinet door panels move. But what do you use for thick raised panels in a 1-3/4" full size passage door? August 19, 2008
I'm building 20 passage doors, 1 3/4 poplar with MDF raised panel, 1" raised panel, leaving me 1/2 for tongue. What are you using for relief? Usually I use space balls with a 1/4 tongue. Here with a 1/2, I am not sure.
Forum Responses
(Architectural Woodworking Forum)
From contributor M:
I'm sure there are opinions to the contrary, but we always glue MDF panels. We've been doing it this way for years and have never had a problem. I actually think it strengthens the door, acting like another tenon, etc.
From contributor K:
I use short lengths of 1/4" thick sticky back hollow neoprene weatherstripping on those wider grooves.
From contributor P:
What I've been, using which works like a charm, is round-profile foam backer rod, designed to back fill a crack before caulking... It comes in various diameters - I can get it in 1/2 inch and bigger. For 1/2 inch rod, I'd make the panel a total of 1/2 inch narrower than your OA, causing a "squish" of 1/4" on each side.
From contributor Z: has space barrels that can fit for 1/4" or flip on end for your 1/2 openings. We use these on all our entry doors and also on all cabinet doors.