Has anyone had success power buffing conversion varnish (Sherwin Williams)? This is a large desk with a couple small blemishes that are sticking out. I have carved and filled and it's leaving an irregular spot which needs to be blended. It makes me want to sand it, but that would be disastrous unless I can buff the whole top. The SW people say they have heard it can be done but do not know the method. I am at the limit of film thickness with this top and don't dare apply one more coat. That's my reason for wanting to try this buffing. I know auto finishes are harder than CV, so why wouldn't CV buff? I need a medium rub gloss.
Forum Responses
(Finishing Forum)
From contributor D:
Yes, it's possible. I've done it several times. Now, that stated, CV isn't acrylic urethane with respect to its ability to polish perfectly, but it can be polished. Use a twisted wool pad to start and Menzerna's 2L paste. Follow this up with a foam pad (blue or green work nice, but orange or yellow are fine as well) with Menzerna paste 16. You can get this stuff from Jeff Jewitt and several other sources.
The absolute best way is quite unusual. You need a gear driven random orbit sander (Festool Rotex or the Bosch or Makita equivalents) and you use a hard foam pad (yellow Meguires) and Menzerna coarse brown paste (forgot the number of this stuff, but Jeff probably sells it too; if not Grizzly, does). This leaves a nice satin sheen and is fairly goof-proof, which most other methods aren't.
The reason you need the specialized sander/polisher is if you use a normal rotary polisher, you'll get swirl marks. The orbital design of the Rotex cancels these out. It's very easy to polish something to full gloss and very hard to polish to anything less.
The two small spots I worked on with a razor today and they are fairly level and not looking too bad. I was hoping a polishing step would blend them in more. The overall look is nice, but the combination of the black dye stain under all that CV is giving a milky look to the film. Would the effort of polishing mask the milkiness, or highlight it and make it worse? I'm almost ready to do something I never do... put some beeswax furniture polish on it and forget it. I know that's a copout, but for all my effort, I'm not completely happy with the results.