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Remembering Dick Neveu

Fond remembrances of the late Dick Neveu from fellow Cabinet Vision users. August 14, 2007

(CAD Forum)
From contributor M:
This was just posted on cabinet vision's website. I wanted to let you all know about this sad day for those of you who knew or have heard of him.

Posted - 02/12/2007 : 09:28:50 AM
Some of you may know this name but for those that do not, Dick Neveu has been using Solid for quite some time and worked for Dodd Woodworking. It is with regret I inform you that he passed away on Thursday evening.

Although I never met Dick face to face, I spoke with him on several occasions and I would have to say he was probably the most selfless Solid user I have ever spoken with. He supplied Planit with many of the renderings we use in our current literature, and his excitement and love for the product and the members of this forum was invigorating for me personally. I have a set of renderings he mailed to me along with a couple of pairs of 3D glasses that are simply mind blowing.

Dick’s website has been an invaluable resource for our Customers, our Technicians, and our Consultants. It amazes me how much work he put into that website with no gain other than to help others out and disseminate the knowledge he had of Solid.

The folks over at Dodd Woodworking wanted to me to post a few of their thoughts on Dick. Any of you that interacted with him will probably agree with all of these comments.

“Dick was a loyal, inventive, insightful, and an irreplaceable friend and employee.”

“Dick was amazingly talented and was always willing to share the knowledge he had obtained throughout his life.”

Dick Neveu will be greatly missed!

From contributor S:
Thanks for reposting from Cabinet Vision. Dick was the man. I worked side by side with him for 4 years and learned much from him. I still won't ever be able to do what he did. I miss him very much.

From contributor M:
Not a problem at all. He touched us all in his own unique way and was a huge asset to the success of how our drawings turned out. It goes without saying that Dick's selfless dedication to helping others at no expense to anyone, by offering his goodwill and time for the sake of common good, will certainly be appreciated forever.

I think everyone needs to reflect on all of his positive achievements in life, who he was as an individual, and a friend. We have to accept that he is unfortunately no longer with us in real life, but he will live on forever in our minds and in our hearts.

My deepest condolences and regret for the loss of Dick Neveu, which has greatly impacted everyone who knew him personally and over the internet.