We finished a job a few weeks back and the top coat was finished with ML Campbell Magnalac. We had to spray some grooves with black paint and some pretty heavy overspray got on the finish. What could we use to remove the overspray without hurting the Magnalac finish? We tried Mineral Spirits already but it is very hard to remove the overspray with it. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Forum Responses
(Finishing Forum)
From contributor B:
Try a local automotive paint supply house. Most of them sell a sanding clay for removing overspray from freshly painted cars. It is basically a non water-soluble clay, sort of like silly putty, but it will not stick to your finish. It has just enough abrasion to remove the overspray without affecting the finish.
Comment from contributor A:
I would suggest that you try using "clay magic" body shops which is used to remove overspray from automotive finishes. It is a simple clay bar that you rub on the overspray with a lubricant. Automotive paint stores will have it.