Selling Black Walnut

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Selling Black Walnut   (1988)

"Walnut timber buyers consider three things primarily when they look at a tree: size, straightness, and number of defects. "

Author: Rink, George

Source: Rink, George. 1988. Selling Black Walnut. In Burde, E. Lucy, ed. Walnut Notes. St. Paul, MN. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. : Note 6.02.

Citation: Rink, George  1988.  Selling Black Walnut  Rink, George. 1988. Selling Black Walnut. In Burde, E. Lucy, ed. Walnut Notes. St. Paul, MN. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. : Note 6.02..