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Straight Line Rip Saw Problems 3: Edges Not Square

Troubleshooting checklist to identify and fix maintenance issues that cause out-of-square rips. January 4, 2007

Reprinted with permission from Diehl Machines,

Edges Not Square
Description Probable Cause How to Correct

Entire edge of the material is out of square with the bottom.

Wear in the chain race. Both edges greater than 90 degrees from the bottom.

Check the feed chains side to side for flat. More than .018" across chains will cut material un-square. Replace feed chains and race.

Saw blade is not parallel to feed chains.

Check saw lead. Adjust saw lead.

Blade is not square with both feed chains. One side greater than 90 degrees, the other is less than 90 degrees, to the bottom.

Check the blade to both feed chains. Set the angle of the arbor assembly. Be certain of the need for this. This is an uncommon adjustment.

Leaves a snipe on the trailing end of the material.

Wear in the chain race. Both edges greater than 90 degrees from the bottom.

Check the feed chains side to side for flat. More than .018" across chains will cut material un-square. Replace feed chains and race.

See other articles in this series at:
Erratic Cuts
No Glue Joint

Reprinted with permission from Diehl Machines,