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Thermwood CNC With E-Cabinets Software


From original questioner:

Are there cabinet shop owners of a Thermwood CNC that are exclusively using the E-Cabinet software to handle there cabinet design and machining needs or have you found the need to purchase additional software to efficiently produce your cabinet parts?

From contributor cr

Using E cab. and Thermwood router since 2006. Does what I want whats youre question

From contributor cr

Sorry didn't see the question router performes beyond expectations. Software does what I want it to do my only complaint is line drawing section and room layout is slow I hear thermwood is working on both. As far as customizing and library cabinets works great. Profile modler is very powerful we use E cabinets for all of our cabinet parts.

From contributor mi

I have drawn and cut well over 300 kitchens
in e-cabs. I also do commercial and produce all the cabinet drawings I need for that in e-cabs, but on some of the radius die walls etc I have some one who uses mastercam every day and is very familiar with my router do some of that for us.I also use art-cam for some oddball things.

From contributor CR

IWF in 4 weeks I recommend taking a kitchen sketch with you. Just a rough sketch and commit 1 day going to various cad booths. Picking out a suitable software is important enough to spend the money to go, and the time to meet face to face with the people who know how to use it. hand them the sketch and time them on how long it takes to get cnc files.

From contributor Ke

I use eCabinet Systems Software for all of our cabinets and parts we are sending to a Thermwood CS 43. I don't need to go to a separate CAD/Cam program to create parts for things like the vent hood below. it is all done in eCabinets. I don't know of any other cabinet design software that could produce these hoods without creating parts in a separate software and importing them.
I am able to cut all the miters for corners using a v bit so that the hoods are ready to assemble. eCabinets places assembly marks on each piece so that the guys in the shop can put it together without any part diagrams. They just match the marks on mating blind dado joints.
eCabinets software, with the Thermwood Control Software running a Thermwood machine is one of the best deals you can find.
If you don't want to learn the software you might look into the new Thermwood Cut Ready cut center

From contributor Rb

Thanks for all of the replies. Kerry are you using the Quick-Cut feature at the controller or sending the entire job to the machine?

From contributor Ke

We design all the jobs in eCabinets for presentation drawings and job costing and send them to the machine from there.
We do use Quick cut for things like these vent hoods, decorative toe kicks, fluted pilasters etc.
I am in the process of creating new cabinet libraries and they will be available on Quick Cut if we need a single cabinet like a vanity or something, we can cut it from the control instead of the office.

From contributor mi

Kerry, interested
in moving to Indiana:)