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Time Clocks


From original questioner:

i'm looking to make the move to an automatic time clock (from informal paper write-your-time-in-and-time-out down). is there one that anyone would recommend? i'm basically looking for one that will tally hours for less than 10 employees.

From contributor Mi

I use the clock from Icon.
TimeVue Systems

I have used it for years from one employee to 25.....

From contributor Bi

We have been using Time Clock Plus. Reasonable price, took a little work to get it set up. The guys download an app on their smart phone, and punch in and out on their phone. There is gps so we can see their location, so if a guy is running late we know if they punch in on the road. We like it.

From contributor sa

We use a Biometric hand recognition time clock . The brand we use is a Acroprint hand punch , but there are probably others available . It is networked to our bookkeepers computer so she gets the payroll information instantly . You can't get someone else to clock in for you . We have had this system for about 8 years and so far so good . Funny thing is the person who was an hour late every morning quit after we got the time clock . We also had relied on hand written cards until then .

From contributor Ji

I use a time clock that is on my front computer. Everyone clocks in and out using a password and look up their time sheet. They can even look at the past one to verify their pay check.

It imports the hours directly into QuickBooks so I don't have any errors putting the hours in. I don't print time sheets anymore as they can look them up. I do store digital copies online for Big Brother.

There are several ones on the market, search for "time clock software" and you will find several different ones to chose from. Mine cost about $270.

From contributor B.

We use an earlier version of the model shown in the link below. Reasonably priced and adjustable to our preferences.

I bought it from the company on the link.

BH Davis

From contributor JO

We use the lathem time clock, it uses a proximity card, (just swipe next to clock).
It calculates hours automatically, it will show accumulated hours as they clock in.