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Variations on linseed oil

How can linseed oil be altered? Let us count the ways... August 23, 2000

I came across a web site for custom string instruments (violins, cello etc.), and different types of linseed oil were mentioned as appropriate finishes for these instruments.

After reading about the properties of each (sunbleahced, cold-pressed)I'm thinking they (might?) have superior qualities to boiled linseed, especially with light woods. Even "stand" oil was mentioned in one formula.

I know the drying time is longer, but could these be used in furniture finishing as well? Obviously, a custom violin is going to have a very handsome finish, and it is wood, right? Anyone know about using these oils, in particular cold-pressed and stand oil?

Forum Responses
Stand oil is merely linseed oil that has "stood" for a period of time. You can make your own by placing raw (not boiled) linseed oil in a covered glass bottle. Let it stand for a year or two to thicken up.

You can also make sun-thickened oil by placing the oil in direct sunlight. I use cold-pressed flax seed oil for butcher blocks and wooden countertops; it is available from health food stores.

You can make stand oil by heating linseed oil to 600 degrees F (315 C).

The comments below were added after this Forum discussion was archived as a Knowledge Base article (add your comment).

Comment from contributor C:
Stand oil is quite a bit more than linseed oil that has been left to stand for a year or two. It has been processed to make it extremely viscous - on the order of the thickness of honey. You can find it in an art store or at an artist's supply on the web.