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Yellowheaded spruce sawfly--its ecology and management.

Presents the biology and ecology of the yellowheaded spruce sawfly, and provides survey techniques and management strategies. In addition, it provides information on identification, classification, host range, and the historical records of outbreaks in the Lake States. 1995
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Yellowheaded spruce sawfly--its ecology and management.   (1995)

Presents the biology and ecology of the yellowheaded spruce sawfly, and provides survey techniques and management strategies. In addition, it provides information on identification, classification, host range, and the historical records of outbreaks in the Lake States.

Author: Katovich, Steven A.; McCullough, Deborah G.; Haack, Robert A.

Source: General Technical Report NC-179. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station

Citation: Katovich, Steven A.; McCullough, Deborah G.; Haack, Robert A.  1995.  Yellowheaded spruce sawfly--its ecology and management.  General Technical Report NC-179. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station.