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Esquinas radiales en mostradores de HPL

Aplicación de tira laminada sin problemas de despegue. 19 de mayo de 2004
Respuestas del foro
(Foro de Laminados y Superficies Sólidas)
Intente lijar con banda la parte posterior del laminado, donde estará la esquina redondeada. Así es como lo hago.

He descubierto que lijar la parte posterior de la lámina para formar un radio estrecho sólo es necesario para <1" radii. Try this - glue both pieces as usual and apply your strip to the longest edge first, then roll. At the bend, file the top and bottom edges of the strip perpendicular to the face for an inch or two on both sides of the radius. This will get rid of the micro-fractures (caused by sawing or slitting the lam).Use a heat gun on the inside of the strip at the radius for a few seconds, then transfer the heat to the outside. While heating, bend the lam around the corner - you can feel when you have enough pliancy. The critical part of this process is the filing, which only takes 5 or 6 seconds per edge. I recently used this method to form 180 1" bends with only two cracked edges - the ones I forgot to file. This filing method is used before bending sheet metal. One more tip - make sure your routing template produces a radius with no bump. If it does, rework the jig to make a smooth radius.