Clarks Gutters and Trees
Listing #1598 Listed on: 03/01/2015
We cutt down trees and we have raw slabs, worked up slabs, turning blocks, guitar blanks, Pen blanks, different types of burls, handcrafted wooden artwork, tables. This company has been in business for 25 years and has a very good reputation, reliable and honest. We work in Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Mendocino county.
Company Name: Clarks Gutters and Trees
Contact Name: Christopher Clark
Location: Healdsburg , CA 95448
Year Founded: 1991
Sq. Footage: 5,000
Employees: 3
Gross Sales:
Product Specialties:
Veneer and Marquetry - General
Woodworking - General
Shop Equipment:
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