Working Safely with Ipe Dust and oils from Ipe wood are allergenic and toxic. You need serious personal protective gear if you work with Ipe. Here's more info. May 16, 2008
Troubleshooting an Under-Loaded Dust Collector Fan Motor When a dust collector fan keeps drawing too many amps and trips the circuit breaker, troubleshooting involves comparing the system's capacity to its actual operating load. April 29, 2006
Straight-Line Rip Saw Operation An extended discussion of safety and operating technique for straight-line ripsaws. May 28, 2006
New Shop Dust Collection A shop owner re-thinks everything from the ground up as he ponders the dust-collection system for his planned new shop. June 15, 2014
Four Dust Collection Zones, or One Big Unit? For a large new shop, is it smarter to install one central dust collection system or a set of smaller independent systems? January 14, 2008
Shop lighting Best bulbs for brightness and efficiency. February 12, 2003
Evaluating Small Dust Collector Equipment Low-end dust-collection equipment is designed for the hobby shop, and the ratings don't mean much. But they can still work for a small professional application. Here's a detailed look at how to set up a budget DC for decent performance. August 14, 2007
Upgrading a Small Dust Collector Detailed advice on beefing up the capacity of a dust collection system in a small shop. September 24, 2006
Ductwork Choices for Dust Control A woodshop owner considers the cost and value of PVC ducts as compared to various metal duct options. January 3, 2012
Chip Dents, Cutter Choices, and Dust Extraction Dents made by chips being pressed into the wood by the planer or jointer knives are a common problem. Here's a thorough discussion of causes and remedies.April 15, 2013
Chip Removal and Planer Finish Defects A classic defect with a well-known cause: chips recirculating around the cutter head and being pounded into the wood. But how to fix it? May 15, 2012
Relief for Hurting Feet Long days in the shop are rough on feet. Here, woodworkers share sympathy and suggest practical ways to ease the pain. September 7, 2006
Automated Controls for a Variable-Speed Dust Control Setup Here's an extended discussion of the instrumentation and controls needed to enable a dust collection system to adjust to changes in the shop machinery in use from moment to moment.June 15, 2014
Variable Speed Fans for Dust Collectors A variable speed fan and controller can save energy during times when the dust collector is not required to operate at full capacity. October 16, 2012
Cyclone Versus Single-Stage Dust Collectors An in-depth comparison of cyclone and single-stage dust-collector technology, with some details about fan blade characteristics and some thoughts on filter cleaning. August 14, 2007
Combining Dust Collectors Pros discuss using multiple blower setups for power and flexibility. May 10, 2005
Allegic reaction to sawdust Dangers associated with breathing sawdust and saftey precautions to take. August 1, 2001
Fine Dust, Cyclones, and Filter Clogging The right combination of cyclones and filters, good airflow, and diligent cleaning are part of keeping the dust collection system free from clogging. June 15, 2014
Troubleshooting a Cyclone Setup A woodshop owner struggles with a dust collector whose filter quickly clogs with fine sanding dust. October 26, 2011
Improving Table Saw Dust Collection Advice on how to improve dust collection for a table saw, especially when using a zero-clearance throat plate next to the blade. January 8, 2010
Woodshop Dust Collection System Specs This discussion supplies a wealth of detail on duct sizing, vacuum capacity, cyclone separator design, and more. November 25, 2005
Cleaning Dust Collection Bags A discussion of filter types, filter effectiveness, and on whether cleaning filter bags can improve performance. July 29, 2007
Voluntary OSHA Compliance A conversation about how to get OSHA's help in bringing your shop into compliance with safety rules — without getting fined. October 27, 2008
Dust and Chip Separators for Shop Vacuums Advice on equipping a shop vacuum with an accessory that separates material out of the air stream before it hits the vacuum filter. June 15, 2014
Augmenting Dust Collection with Air Filtration A good dust collection system should capture most of the dust, but you may still want backup filtration just to clean the shop air. January 23, 2014
Shop arrangement and setup Shop owners describe the best and worst aspects of their workspaces. March 21, 2002
Filtering Shop Air Dust collection for your machinery isn't a complete solution. There are reasons to have air filtering for fine dust in the shop air, as well.June 15, 2014
Container-Bin Dust Collection Setup Shop owner describes a site-built rig for capturing dust and shavings using filters and a tarp on top of a shipping container. January 21, 2007
Choosing a Dust Collector It's helpful to know the airflow capacity of a dust collector at various static pressures. October 3, 2008
Light-Duty Dust Collection Setup A newcomer to the industry gets advice on dust collection for a very small, low-intensity woodworking operation. November 25, 2005
Dust Collector for a Widebelt Sander Advice on cyclones, filter types, ducting, et cetera for good dust collection on a wide-belt sander. January 31, 2012
Machinery Layout Ideas Shop owners discuss ways to arrange a straightline ripsaw, molder, and wide-belt sander, and how to efficiently move materials from one station to the next. March 6, 2008
Shop Air Filtration Advice on an air filter setup for capturing fine dust that escapes the dust collection system. December 24, 2009
Down-Draft Dust Collection Table Tips and advice on rigging an old squirrel-cage fan up to power a down-draft table. October 3, 2007
Troubleshooting "Chip Beat" with a Small Moulder Small dents in the finished moulding are a well-known issue, caused by chips and typically related to ineffective dust collection. October 27, 2013
One Big Blower Versus Two Small Blowers Two small blowers that can run independently or together may be a more economical and more effective dust collection setup. December 6, 2006
Soundproofing a Dust Collection System Shop owners discuss ways to build sound-deadening baffles and boxes around elements of a dust collection system. March 28, 2010
Cyclone Filter Clogging and Duct Sizing Troubleshooting a clogging situatin in pleated air filters for a cyclone dust collection system. Is too-small ducting the problem? January 23, 2012
Cyclone Dust Collector Example Here are some nice photos and well-informed discussion of a small-shop cyclone dust collector setup. March 3, 2010
Chip Clearing and Dents in Mouldings Dents that occur when chips are pressed back into the wood by cutter ends are related to problems with the dust collector's suction. July 18, 2008
Fire Department Safety Inspection Fire pre-planning is a key aspect of fire-department response readiness training. Here, a woodworker tells about the day 30 firefighters showed up to view his shop, and a woodworker who is also a firefighter explains why a thing like that would happen. July 5, 2006
Cyclones and MDF Dust Replacing a cartridge filter with a large filter bag pays off for a woodshop owner. April 18, 2015
Sawdust on stacked wood Should sawdust be cleaned off before stacking and drying? October 15, 2001
Old Jointer Accident Story Jointers can send fragments of metal blades flying like shrapnel. You're lucky if all you get is a good scare. March 27, 2012
Sawmill Dust Collection Descriptions, explanations, and pictures of dust collection systems for small sawmills. November 3, 2010
Can Carbide Saw Blade Chips Kill? There's no source for the rumor that a carbide saw blade fragment struck a woodworker in the heart. But woodworking kickback is deadly dangerous — no doubt about that.November 14, 2014
Dust Collection and Planer Noise Airflow from a new dust collection made a planer noisier, but switching to helical insert tooling made it quieter again. January 12, 2015
Wood Heat for a Shop Wood stoves in a shop introduce concerns about safety and about excessively dry shop air. January 20, 2010
New shop specs and layout Electric power and other considerations for a new cabinet shop. April 24, 2002
Dust Collection for Orbital Sanders High-velocity vacuum dust collection for hand sanders is a separate system from the low-velocity system used for larger machinery. June 15, 2014
Sound-Proofing Office Walls Is your office in the same building as a shop full of noisy equipment? Here are a few tips on how to keep noise out of your thinking space. October 1, 2005
Cedar Allergies After prolonged exposure, you can develop a severe allergy to Cedar, and also to some other wood types. January 20, 2010
Three phase generator Running machinery off of a three-phase generator. September 2, 2002
Installing Dust Bags in a Cyclone It's more complicated than you would think to get a liner bag working properly inside a dust-collection cyclone. June 15, 2014
Laying out a new shop Advice on dust collection, electric, and general layout from those who have built their own shops. March 16, 2001
Dust Collector Pressure and Suction A discussion of basic pressure-balancing and air-sealing issues in a small shop dust collection system. June 28, 2007
Shop Accident Lessons Learned A few first-person cautionary stories involving mangled or amputated fingers. May 15, 2014
Troubleshooting a Cyclone Chip Clog Advice on making a cyclone stop clogging when when trying to separate large chips of light material. July 29, 2012
Quieting Down a Dust Control System Advice on fan selection, fan placement, and other factors that could affect the noise generated in a dust extraction system. December 31, 2012
A Tag-Team Four-Motor Vacuum Setup A shop owner describes how he ganged four 240-volt motors onto one vacuum system to get the suction he needed within the power limitations at his shop. January 5, 2010
Shop Noise and Hearing Protection Say what? Shop owners discuss earplugs, hearing tests, and strategies for lowering shop noise levels. December 7, 2007
Variable Frequency Drive for Dust Extractor Fans Smart design with variable-speed fans and operable blast gates can save a lot of energy while providing good extraction where it's needed. December 31, 2012
Choosing Footwear for Shop Use Army boots? Flip-flops? It's a matter of personal preference, but here are some thoughts and observations. December 6, 2012
Small-Capacity Dust Collection System A woodworker with a small, one-man furniture shop gets advice on a dust collection setup for his minimal needs. January 24, 2014
Shop-Built Sanding Table A furnace blower makes a good fan. Filter bags keep dust out of the motor. May 28, 2006
Explosion-proof fans Building a safe spray booth to eliminate the risk of explosions. January 24, 2001
Retrofit Dust Collection Fan Is there any percentage to up-sizing the impeller fan in an existing dust collector unit? May 15, 2012
Cyclones for Fine Sanding Dust A taller, more narrowly tapering cyclone seems to remove fine dust more effectively, but you'll still need a fine filter downstream of that. July 29, 2012
Extra Filtration Advice on improving dust-collection system effectiveness by adding to filter bags or introducing a pre-separation component. April 17, 2009
Down-Draft Sanding Table: Buy or Build? There are good units you can buy off the shelf, but people have also had good luck building their own sanding tables. July 11, 2007
Lighting your sawmill Providing good light for your work on dark days and late nights. February 19, 2002
Dealing with sawmill dust Home-made systems for getting rid of the dust buildup under sawmills. January 4, 2001
Soundproof Shop Considering noise reduction when building a shop. February 10, 2004
Spray Booth Ventilation, Back Pressure? A fan that works well mounted in a window has trouble moving air through a 50-foot duct with three bends. December 9, 2010
Recirculating Spray-Booth Air Regulations don't allow it, because it raises concentrations of potentially dangerous chemicals. December 1, 2005
Connecting Two Cyclones Coupling two dust collection fan units together boosts the static pressure if you connect them in series, and boosts the airflow if you hook them up in parallel. August 24, 2008
Will a Boost Fan Step Up Dust Collector Capacity? A woodworker adds a new piece of equipment, and wants to know whether adding a boost fan will enable his existing dust collection system to handle the increased requirement. April 17, 2009
Using Ozone to Counteract Off-Gassing Odor An ozone generator with enough capacity to make a dent in finish off-gassing odor would create indoor pollution concerns, says the voice of experience. December 23, 2014
Cleaning a Dust Filter Ironically, sometimes you can get dustier cleaning a dust filter than you can working without the dust collector it came from. Here, cabinetmakers discuss the dilemma. July 11, 2007
Exterior Cyclone Collector with Air Return to Shop Thoughts on locating a dust collector's cyclone bin outside the building for easy waste collection and disposal, while arranging for filtered air return to the workspace for energy conservation. December 29, 2008
Dust Collection Hose Whine Some hoses make a whining noise. Here's advice on how to get rid of it. May 7, 2009
Fan on the Pull Side of the Filter A fan that pulls air through the dust extractor, instead of pushing through it, can be more efficient. January 25, 2013
Dust Collection Return Air A discussion of heat loss and comfort with a closed-loop recirculating dust collector that dumps outdoors. April 19, 2011
Shop Cooling Options Advice on space conditioning for a shop in a hot climate, touching on "swamp coolers" and on creating cool zones. June 15, 2014
Outside Dust Collector Details Professional advice, including fire safety and noise control details, for a dust collector built onto a shop's exterior. November 25, 2005
Equipment Room Heat Buildup Regulating temperature in a small room where compressors are housed. February 8, 2008
Duct Silencer: Measured Results With an inexpensive decibel meter, a shop owner finds out how much a duct silencer has quieted down the noise from his dust collector cyclone. April 27, 2011
Router Table Dust Collection Collect dust from the fence, or from the box below the table? Or why not both? November 26, 2006
Getting a charge from melamine How to mitigate the creation and transmission of static electricity during the handling thermofused melamine. April 2, 2002
Burning Sawdust in a Wood Stove You can burn sawdust for heat, but the stories in this thread make it clear that the practice is a risky one. February 15, 2015
Plastic Bag Dust Collector System A woodworker develops his concept for a dust collection system pairing filter bags with plastic collection bags. August 3, 2009
PVC Dust Collection Issues Woodworkers discuss pipe diameter compatibility and fire risks with PVC dust collection ducting. October 16, 2012
Bypassing a Cyclone Collector Cyclone collectors require a sealed vacuum to function. But you can build a larger sealed room if you need a greater bulk capacity. April 19, 2011
Choosing Sliding Table Saws and Panel Saws Pros discuss the choices in panel saws and sliding table saws, and offer advice on modifying equipment for better performance. November 10, 2006
Tablesaw guards Safe standard and alternative tablesaw guards and splitters. July 24, 2001
Gloves for Saw Operators Woodworkers suggest some tough, skin-tight, high-friction gloves for use around power equipment. April 21, 2011
Smoking Policies for Wood Shops How should wood-shop employers deal with the issues raised by employees who smoke? The question leads to a lively debate. December 2, 2006
How to Be Ready for OSHA Either the safety agency itself, or a private consultant, can help you identify hazards and avoid possible penalties — before you're surprised by a "real" enforcement inspection. April 20, 2007
Recovering from a Shop Fire Woodweb forum steps up with well-informed advice about how to cope with a catastrophic fire in the wood shop. April 16, 2009
Shop Maintenance and Cleaning How to get your crew behind the idea that "a clean shop is a safe and happy shop." May 6, 2006
Spray Shop Layout Setting up an efficient spray-finishing area in an expanded shop. December 26, 2004
Aerotech Router Bit Wear & Tear Is the Aerotech dust-vacuum CNC attachment heavy enough to increase spindle wear? January 2, 2012
Shop Heat Solutions Ideas and suggestions for heating a woodworking shop. March 26, 2008
Container Material for Solvents What kind of plastic or metal containers are okay to use for storing and transporting olvents? April 4, 2011
Forced-Air Shop Heat Versus Radiant Heating A few thoughts on the effect different heating system types have on comfort for people, and conditions for wood or machinery. April 10, 2008
Fire Code Hassles in Shop Remodel Here's a cautionary tale: connecting two shop buildings trips the square-footage trigger for fire sprinkler requirements, and it's the surprised owner who gets burned. February 19, 2008
Glue Spreader Can Be a Career Ender A severe glue spreader accident is a sobering reminder of the risks of cabinet work. (Caution: Graphic and disturbing images.) June 4, 2012
Moving and Unloading Machinery Practical advice for getting a large, heavy, and expensive piece of industrial equipment off the truck and into place in the shop. October 12, 2007
Controlling Woodshop Dust Cabinetmakers discuss vacuum tool attachments, filters, fans, and whole-shop dust collection systems. February 9, 2006
Heating the Shop in a Cold Climate A discussion of the choices for heating a large, poorly insulated shop, including radiant gas burners, wood-fired boilers, and more. March 22, 2013
Shop Layout Tips and Techniques Paper models make visualizing your shop floor easier, and good planning can really boost your workflow. May 10, 2005
Clamp Cart Shop-made carriers for clamps. December 26, 2004
Whether to Leave Equipment Running Here's a discussion of the cost, efficiency, and safety aspects of leaving equipment running for periods of time, versus shutting machinery down the moment it's not being actively used. September 15, 2011
Compressed Air Lines in a Shop Advice on material choices and layout strategies for compressed-air supply lines in a woodshop. March 28, 2010
Shop Productivity With a New CNC It seems more efficient to go on cutting parts manually than to program the CNC... what's missing? October 5, 2004
Static charge on wood Troubleshooting and resolving static problems on freshly planed boards. October 9, 2002
CNC Shop Fire Risk Hot bits, sawdust, and vacuum airflow add up to a potential for fire, as these stories attest. September 28, 2009
Assembly table A cabinetmaker shares a photo and description of his shop's assembly table. October 30, 2002
Supporting Traveling Dust Collection Ducts Here's a good look at several shop-rigged solutions for bringing dust collection ducting to CNC equipment under low ceilings, with freedom to match the equipment's travel. August 15, 2011
Dust Control Blower Mod for CNC Here's a look at a shop-rigged dust control modification to a Holz-Her CNC: a blower that drives fine MDF dust out of the cut grooves so that the dust collector can grab it.October 16, 2012
Gloves in Woodshops The consensus view is, no gloves allowed when operating machinery. October 13, 2010
Choosing an Air Line Material Shop owners discuss the pros and cons of various metal and plastic tubing materials for compressed-air supply lines. March 20, 2006
Keeping CNC Tables Clean CNC owners describe onion-skinning, second passes, and other inventive methods to manage dust in router operations. December 8, 2010
Supporting the Dust Collection Hose for a CNC Router Here are some proven solutions (with photos) for supporting the dust collection ducting for a CNC router, while allowing the hose to move freely. December 29, 2008
Dust Collection for MDF Dust Advice on controlling fine dust produced while machining MDF on a CNC. January 14, 2013
When to hire help? Considering all the financial aspects and adding up the figures--is it worth it to hire? February 7, 2001
Air Piping Sizing and Material Choice Wider diameters offer less resistance and more storage buffering. Pex is also an option to consider. April 20, 2008
Widebelt Sander Kickback Cabinetmakers discuss why a widebelt sander kicked some boards out against the feeder belt. October 11, 2012
Dealing with Fire Code Issues in a Spray Booth Advice on communicating with a building department about the fine points of the fire code as it relates to spray finishing booths. May 27, 2014
Shared Power Switch for Tool and Vacuum Quick tips on linking tool and shop-vacuum power supplies so that the vacuum starts when the tool starts. April 24, 2013
Isolating Air Lines from Compressor Vibration To prevent vibration and noise, install a short section of suitable flexible tubing between the compressor and the copper air lines.January 3, 2012
Blind woodworker's story A blind cabinetmaker tells the story of his education and career in woodworking. (From WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum) January 21, 2003
Preventing Back Pain Seasoned cabinetmakers discuss shoes, boots, floor mats, exercise, and other back-pain prevention strategies. November 30, 2009
Sliding Table Saw Safety Here's an extensive set of tips and cautions for working safely with a sliding table saw. December 2, 2010
Count Your Fingers A woodworker describes the accident that took off the ends of two of his fingers, and a discussion ensues about the lessons learned. November 10, 2006