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Message Thread:

Production Management

David Smith

Website: http://cskcabinets.com

Our shop is super busy, and it feels like we are always running late on projects. I feel like if I could just get ahead of my schedule and add a couple days buffer on each job, we could work our way out of this. The problem is that we are always hurrying which leads to mistakes and re-work which then adds more time.

I feel like if I had a production manager who was really dedicated to the schedule from design, purchasing, production and installation, that might help.

Does anyone have a person like this? I worry that this might be an overhead expense that could hurt profitability.

11/4/21       #2: Production Management ...
Rob Young  Member

Website: http://www.nutekmachinery.com


If your problem is organization a production manager will help.

If you problem is inefficient machinery that doesn't produce a quality product, call me, I can help.

I saw on your website you used to have a shop in Columbus Ohio. Curious which one? Nutek Machinery is located in Bedford, Ohio and I have done quite a bit of tech work down in Columbus.

11/7/21       #3: Production Management ...

If you are always running late, I'd say you need a better scheduler. That way you chase the problem before you start, not after.

11/8/21       #4: Production Management ...

David Smith:

For the immediate, it sounds as though you currently have more contracted work than you have production capacity to fabricate the work to meet the current deadlines. A time honored method for alleviating this condition is to subcontract out some work, if you can. This will free up a block of shop time that may solve your immediate time constraints. Perhaps working shifts would create an environment where fewer employees are not tripping over one another while rushing around, trying to "hurry up".

For the future, the current situation might serve as a reason to incorporate a measure of additional time for each project, so that the projects do not have such a tight continuous time flow, with no room for errors, reworking, undelivered materials, employee sick days, etc.

However the projects are scheduled now will probably work in the future, with the additional time allowance. A production manager, if you don’t already have one, would be an expense and would alter the chain of command in your shop. Additionally, production managers are not infallible, and I imagine that you already have enough people giving you excuses.

If you overbook your capacity, which it sounds like you have done, you will know it, as you do now, and you don’t need a production manager, a Gantt chart, or scheduling software to tell you that. If you learn the lesson of your current situation, this will happen with less frequency in the future, using your current system.

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
Douglas Adams, from his novel “The Salmon of Doubt”

Good luck.

11/9/21       #5: Production Management ...
Tom Franken Member

Website: http://www.tomfranken.com


I'm new to the site and am in the dream stages of making money with a mill but do have the infamous MBA. Simple answer to your over-work issue may be to raise your prices. If you have work taking too much time and not providing workable margin, price it out. You can be nice and try to find alternatives for the clients. Focus on the highest margin jobs or find a way to separate the high-margin work and complete the low-margin work more efficiently - maybe in a different facility. You might likely find by raising prices and focusing on high-end, high-quality work, you end up with even more projects - but with the margin to afford to expand...

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

11/10/21       #6: Production Management ...
Jonah Coleman  Member

Website: http://www.architecturalarts.com

It's very possible to have less work than capacity, but still not be able get the work done- for example, if your releases to your shop are lumpy (i.e. no work this week, too much next).

Use the Theory of Constraints (reference the book "The Goal") to identify your bottleneck and keep them fed/operating at all times.

And remember from the theory- improvements at non-bottlenecks are illusory. Simplified example- you have a cutting center that can cut cabinet parts for 100 cabinets/day, a bander that can band the parts for 200 cabinets/day, and a cabinet line that can assemble 50 cabinets/day then investing in a new bander that can band 25% faster gets you nothing. Process improvements that increase throughput at the CNC get you nothing. And by nothing, I really mean stacks of parts piled up at the assembly line (and, by consequence, more of your capital tied up in them at any given moment).

Use Lean and ToC applied to your office to make the inventory of un-produced work visible- otherwise it is hard to see and do something about. Then keep that work flowing to your shop- at base all of our jobs exist to get work produced/delivered/maybe installed. Everything else is just something we do in order to be able to do that.

11/11/21       #7: Production Management ...
Adam B Member


We couldn't be more synced up right now as it pertains to this topic. We are currently battling a huge reduction of our workforce due to illness. Over 1/2 of our shop floor is out, and 1/3 of our office staff. I just came from our shop floor where I had to round up the employees that are still here/healthy this week. One of our healthy employees is our CNC operator. Take look at the video I uploaded. We have cabinet parts cut and stacked for days :). I had to remind everyone that even if we were running at full strength this week, this would not be the proper way to allocate our resources. Because we are short staffed for the near future, it is even worse and the assets that we do have available need to be allocated to maximize our efficiency and REDUCE our bottlenecks. Needles to say, after our shop floor meeting our CNC operator (who by the way is an awesome co-worker) has been reassigned to a different department. The CNC machine can have the next couple of days off.

P.S. Nice to see your presence on this site, we have had some interaction over the years on the CV forum site, I appreciate your knowledge and willingness to help others.

View Video

11/11/21       #8: Production Management ...
David Smith

Website: http://CSKcabinets.com

Wow. This post really took off. I greatly appreciate the insight. I have decided to zero in on my processes with my current team and see if I can do it without adding a new salary.

Thanks for talking me down off the ledge of spending money with our being sure I needed to.

Production manager

11/12/21       #9: Production Management ...
Tom Franken Member

Website: http://www.tomfranken.com

Jonah Coleman, what a blast from the past. It's been 30 years - er, I mean something over 10 years - since I was assigned "The Goal". A small shop should be able to figure out specific constraints fairly easily.

I worked for an single proprietor excavating company in a similar position. He was booked 6 months out. Sent himself to the hospital for a couple days rest after collapsing from exhaustion. A potential client came on site one day to talk to him about a job. I saw him shake his head, shake the guy's hand, and walk away. It was the first time in his life he turned down work...

Tom F

11/12/21       #10: Production Management ...
Jonah Coleman  Member

Website: http://www.architecturalarts.com

Tom Franken,

Just looked at your resume- why are you on a wood working board?

Have you read The Phoenix Project? One of my favorite books- it's The Goal but for DevOps. They even quote extensively from The Goal.

Another good one is Rolling Rocks Down Hill (from memory, pretty sure that's the name)- which is The Goal but for Agile (and a little bit of devops).

Both of those books have A LOT of relevance to engineering in the woodworking industry.

11/12/21       #11: Production Management ...
Tom Franken Member

Website: http://www.tomfranken.com


My 5-year plan is to be out of Tech. Boring. All the fancy crap about DevOps, Agile, Sigma - it's just of bunch of techies scrambling around trying to get some stuff to work. In a bunch of years working the industry, I've met one guru. Maybe one percent of the millions of computer people really know what they are doing and drive the industry forward., The rest of us just scramble along. 95% of what we rely on from computers is fairly basic. The fancy stuff you hear about is rarely deployed because we don't have the skillsets to support it once some guru deploys it.

Woods funner than computers. It's such a commodity I need to find a niche. One thought was to mill 3,000 BdFt a week and sell it for at least $1/BdFt. I went to an auction and only one lot sold for a bit over $1/BdFt. The rest were pennies to half a dollar. Everyone says to sell slabs. They were going for $10-$25 each. Might need to re-think my plan.


What kinds of jobs are you doing in your shop? Do you have time to jot some notes about your process and particular problems?

Tom F

Tom F

11/14/21       #13: Production Management ...
pat gilbert

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”


I remember going to a Store Fixture association meeting. One comment from an attendee "I don't get it 5 years ago everyone was all abuzz about ERP, now everyone is back to spreadsheets"

The thing about the Goal is the bottleneck gets resolved with the high volume/repetitive stuff leaving you with the other stuff that is still slowing you down

I like Paul Akers saying "Fix what bugs you"

I you're doing commercial work you are probably over scheduling the work. I.E. change the percentage of work to your capacity, until your schedule is accurate

11/22/21       #14: Production Management ...
Robert N Steele

Hello David.
It sounds like your root problem is exactly what Pat said, that you guys are selling more volume than you can run well, run smoothly.
... I do not think a production manager would help you guys at all at this point. Designers and production managers only become a profitable edition when they can enable a lot more thru-put because of their existence. Otherwise, they are just more overhead of course.
My Suggested Solution...

Is to figure out and track your monthly breakeven point, so you know at what dollar point in the month you guys cover all expenses, including a minimum owner draw. Then, I suggest you guys stop scheduling more work than that amount each month for the time being.

Yes, it sounds crazy, but I think your best hope of gaining control and having enough time available to effectively up-grade operations & build-in more capacity in every dept. as required to significantly boost sales revs, while still running your current jobs (your current promises) in a controlled, well managed way.
... Then, only at that point, the production manager would be a game-changing addition in my opinion. Unlocking a whole new plateau of profitability.
.... It is a counterintuitive play though. Not many would have the balls to try it- to intentionally reduce to minimum viable sales levels to unleash the opportunity.

But, the alternative may be to just keep grinding away forever, getting nowhere fast. It is al lot more fun to outsmart, and solve, the constraints, and then make a grip of more money!!
Good Luck!

12/7/21       #15: Production Management ...

Website: http://optisol.biz

David Smith, You indicated that there is some firefighting that is causing mistakes and creating re-work in your production, As you know, firefighting is an indication of lack of reliable planning and scheduling. I understand that you feel like hiring a production manager for regularly generating a schedule of all major activities like design, purchasing, production and installation.

If any existing employee has some experience with basic software tools like MS Excel etc. then he can run a good scheduling software to meet your needs satisfactorily. If work progress can be updated once a day, then the employee will not need more than 20 minutes per day (other than updating work progress) to meet your requirements. In fact, you yourself might be able to do the same by spending totally about one hour of your valuable time per day.

The software also enables what-if analysis and proactive capacity planning which in my view are essential in job shop production management. If you can get a good, affordable software tool for production scheduling, then you would not need an extra employee just for this purpose. Free trial copies of such tools are available in market nowadays.


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