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Message Thread:

Auction sites

Jim Herron

Has anyone purchased anything thru auctions items MM
I've bid on a few items there
Strangely some of the items "sell" only to be listed a couple of months later at the same location
Am I missing something here?
I'm in the market for a later model Holzher edgebander and a later model two head wide belt sander if anyone has a lead on either

5/20/24       #2: Auction sites ...
Jim Herron

My post made no sense...
Has anyone purchased equipment thru MachineryMax auctions?
Positive experience?

5/20/24       #3: Auction sites ...
Warren Member

had issues with the edit think this is okay now
5/20/24       #4: Auction sites ...
Warren Member

Dont get the edit feature here I edit and it removes half my post

Ive dealt with them and not had issues, im in Canada. Rep is a guy that had his own bus and taken care of their auctions for some years.

5/20/24       #5: Auction sites ...
Warren Member

Now worse lost most typed so will try again

Ive dealt with them in Canada and not had issues. Robert Skeates is their Rep up here and had his own bus for years and has a working relationship with them. Auctions used to be live and I liked that better but they found out its easier and cheaper to do online instead.

Ive had issues with another one that sells surplus stuff. Not on the ball poor info and twice had issues with the schools and had to solve it myself.

5/21/24       #6: Auction sites ...

I have purchased over 75k in stuff from machinery max.

Generally a good experience.

Go see high dollar items in person because it is as is where is and if it doesn't work after you buy it you are on your own .

That being said shipping will cost a lot and be aware of the taxes and additional fees such as buyer premium so you don't pay too much .

You will be competing with all of the machinery brokers and dealers ,they will stop bidding when they can't make a profit on the flip so that will be your sweet spot.

My advice is bid to what you are willing to pay and don't watch the auction. It is way to easy to get caught up in the bidding war and pay too much.

5/21/24       #7: Auction sites ...
Dustin Orth  Member

I have also bought quite a bit from machinery max. I've always had good luck and have actually picked a few up from their actual location, good people. As said above, watch the fees and taxes. Loading fees have gone completely across the board from reasonable to insane.

5/22/24       #8: Auction sites ...
Ken Member

I've bid and won many items from Machinery Max. Lucky for me they're only a little over an hour away from me so when they have the items in their warehouse it's a piece of cake. All the folks I've delt with there have been great. That said it's still on you to inspect or get someone to inspect and make sure it's what you want.

5/25/24       #10: Auction sites ...
Pat Gilbert

Most if not all auction sites use schills and play games with pricing when the piece of equipment comes back up to auction either the minimum price was not met or the auctioneer raised the price but the bidder did not bite and raise the bid so they just put the equipment back up for auction

I have caught them red handed doing this

5/25/24       #11: Auction sites ...
Warren E Member

I screen save when auctions are going on. I saw a saw that was to expire get relisted again. I called them on it and they said not true. I sent the screen saves and they said something was wrong with the computers.
On one auction site they have auto bidding. I was bidding and it would not work I think now I was putting a comma in and it didnt want one. I put auto bidding on to see if it would take my bid, it didnt and I turned auto bid off. .
Next thing I stopped bidding and the site kept bidding for me. I ended up with a planer for more than I would have paid. On top the seller misrepresented the machine. Possible partly as they are stupid as they are a school.
Auction site told me that when you turn auto bid off it still stays on after even if not clicked. I said thats dishonerable they said its in the fine print., I said its dishonerable and the person on the other end said yes. I noticed on that site now last auction I was watching auto bid box was checked on its own.?? I might just be me as they hate me and hate them but be careful with that. I will call them and find out why the box for auto bid is checked automatically and see if its just me.
I also see I was blocked from one area and past the seller had taken a part off the saw after I bought it. The auction site could not care less so I duked it out with the seller and after telling them they would be charged with fraud they gave me someone high up. He wasnt very bright and couldnt handle me then they gave me a lawyer. In the end he apologized and thanked me that they will do better in the future. Since ive seen that ive been blocked from bidding in that area. I emailed the auction company and told them they stand up for me so I did and the seller had apologized to me. Never heard back.


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