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Subject: Re: Adjustable black cabinet legs for eurocabinets


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Message Thread:

Adjustable black cabinet legs for eurocabinets

Harold Morantz

We have been using adjustable legs for our cabinetry for years and happy with them. We buy the 40mm thick ones as they are stronger than the skinny ones and get from 4-6” height adjustment. The pricing for these legs has gone through the roof with my cost today at 1.65@ which has doubled in the past few years. I looked on alibaba as they are all made in china and now pay .44@ with freight and buy 1000 at a time. Even by sea, they arrive in a month and we are saving a nice amount. If anyone needs the contact info, you can send me an email and I will send it to you. 200 in a box with the clips and 1000 cost me 438.00 landed to my door.

7/16/24       #2: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Do you have to bid your cabinets so tightly that $5 per box will get you the job?

7/16/24       #3: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...


No, I don’t, my work is by referral only and for clients that are richer than G-d, but I as raised to be frugal with a dollar and resent paying prices for materials that keep climbing in a steady basis way beyond the rate that is normal. If I can purchase legs at less than a third of the local price and other items that at as well, than that money goes into my retirement or gives me a nicer vacation when I want.
Most of my vendors have me listed in fourth column purchasing power and between sheet goods, hardware and everything else, it adds up real fast.
I will spend more on a piece of hardware which will save me labor, but still negotiate the best price I can. It doesn’t take me any more time or effort to work this way or I wouldn’t do it.
I have been building custom cabinetry for 44 years and probably many thousands of boxes if not tens of thousands at 5.00 just for the legs and best prices on plywood and screws and hinges and slides adds up to a lot of money. Works for me. &#128512;

7/17/24       #4: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Are you that poor at business that saving $5 per base cabinet doesn't make sense? Must be nice to care so little about saving $1200 per order of 1000 legs.

We go though about 3000 legs per year. I would rather that $3600 in my pocket than Richelieu.

Thanks Harold for the suggestion.

7/17/24       #5: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Here is the invoice. Easy to order through alibaba and safe and guaranteed.

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7/17/24       #6: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Do they have the 10mm dowel knock in base, or are they screw on?

7/17/24       #7: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Screw on with rectangular base, but if you post a picture on alibaba, many vendors will give you an answer. These legs are all
Made in china anyway.this vendor may have them with the knock in as just submit a photo with specs you want to alibaba And get quotes quickly, I buy led aluminum channel from china as well and it’s way cheaper

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7/17/24       #8: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Screw on with rectangular base, but if you post a picture on alibaba, many vendors will give you an answer. These legs are all
Made in china anyway.this vendor may have them with the knock in as just submit a photo with specs you want to alibaba And get quotes quickly, I buy led aluminum channel from china as well and it’s way cheaper

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7/17/24       #9: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

I didn't close my business from lack of funds. It was always profitable. How poorly is your business doing that you have to pinch pennies on minor hardware costs? Do you not know that the customer pays for the hardware costs? It's not money out of your pocket.

7/17/24       #10: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Curious reference to God and wealth. I thought everyone learned the story of the temple and money changers in the temple in Sunday School.

7/18/24       #11: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

I am an Orthodox Jew and am twelve versed in the five Books of Moses, and there is no mention of whatever you are referring to, although I have heard of the story vaguely as I live in this Christian dominated culture.
My mention of G-d was only to emphasize in a humorous way the wealth of my clients who are in the top of the ladder financially. Do not understand your reference as I assume it’s from Christian writings which I don’t study, people came from around the Middle East as we now call it to bring sacrifices and donations such as tithes for the priests and levites and bought their animals in Jerusalem for their offerings, and there were exchanges like we have in airports today to be able to convert their currency to the local one to be accurate in the amount they were donating. Too not underpay or overpay their tithe or the value of the animal, but what does that have to do with what I mentioned?

7/18/24       #12: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Wow Rich, Another absolutely horrible take. If you care so little about saving a viable amount of money on something that has zero effect on the product quality it really makes me question your business acumen.

How much more profitable could your business be/have been? How much more savings could you have passed on to your customer increasing their value?

This is one component that could save a few thousand dollars per year. How many more thousand did you leave in your suppliers pockets? How many thousands did you overcharge your customers from poor purchasing habits?

On a side note Harold, I've used Alibaba for compression bits for the router. Not sure if you're a CNC shop, but the savings on these are fantastic too.

7/18/24       #13: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Hey guys, I posted my idea in the spirit of cooperation, not as a confrontation!
I don’t know if you know each other, but let’s leave the insults to congress! &#129322;
I don’t buy wisely to give my wealthy clients a better price, but to run my operation with better profit.
I’m not cheating anyone by giving the same quality at a better price for my profit. It also makes up for when I screw up with a 1000.00 sheet of veneer&#129322;

7/18/24       #14: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Come on Harold, this is the most action these forums have seen in years :)

7/18/24       #15: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

That’s funny but you’re right!
I used to post almost daily years ago but slacked off.
I am now in midddle of selling my business and will be retiring and have not had the time. Learned a lot on this site and gave advice when I could and it’s a great resource.

7/18/24       #16: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

I've been around this site for many years as well. I remember you from when you were posting from Montreal. Used to be a lot of daily activity, seems people have moved on from internet forums to groups on social media sites. Its a shame, this site was always a great source of discussion, debate, and information.

As much as Im hacking on Rich, I know he has been here for years as well, and he is a respected source of information.

7/18/24       #17: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Yup. We old farts have been here for a long time&#128512;

7/19/24       #18: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...
Will Williamson  Member


Thanks Harold for sharing, You are right, I also have followed this page for years, and have kind of stopped. Some folks, seam to think they have to add, some sort of negative comment into every single post, and it only takes one bad apple, to ruin a otherwise good conversation.

7/20/24       #19: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...
Dave Edgerton  Member

Good info, thanks for sharing that. We use hettich legs but i always wonder where everything is made these days. Canada doesnt make a friggin thing it seems, only consumes.

7/23/24       #20: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...

Just ordered 2000 with a dowel mount. Credit card was charged $765 canadian.....40 cent each. Its a steal even if duty doubles the cost.

Not sure where you are at Dave, Im in Barrie and should have them in about a month if you wanted to see what they come in like.

7/23/24       #21: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...


Glad to hear it working out. In the US there are no duties added.&#128512;

7/24/24       #22: Adjustable black cabinet legs for e ...
Mario Aldape Member

Harold, thanks for the post. The alibaba connection is worth looking into it.
I will save any pennies where I can. There are a bunch of things I buy and want to continue buying for personal use that all those pennies come in handy.
I buy leg levelers 3000 sets at a time to save the shipping cost!!! We are not a high volume shop. They last me 3-4 years.


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