Thank you for the compliments and good suggestions. Does anybody have suggestions of a cnc brand they like? I'd like to start to research them. I can imagine they vary a lot in cost.
This is actually the first job I've had where I've had use of a slide saw, and I'm very happy to have it. The previous job was high end work, for Port Royal in Naples, FL. We just used a table saw and track saw. But, the output was very slow compared to this higher quantity, lower quality place. I'd like to become more familiar with this area of cabinet making, and continue to increase the quality and speed of this company.
I'm am really enjoying this website as the people here are active and know a lot. I wish I would have found it sooner.
I tried to make a jig that would cut both cuts with one jig, but couldn't figure it out because the positive stop and the fence would interrupt each other. If I had a saw with the same distance to the blade's tip on the left, right, and front, then it should be easy. But, I really like the suggestion of gang cutting the pieces. If we get another hotel job and no cnc then I'm definitely going to work on that approach. Maybe even a rolling cart to hold the end panels with an attachable track to do quite a lot at once, and after it can just hold the parts for assembly. I might make this anyway, because we make our end panels in batches of probably 80 at a time for stock. It makes a lot more sense.
The making the end panels without the toe also makes a lot of sense for material efficiency.
As for my boss, he's looking at retirement and I don't think we wants to invest in much. He's also pretty set in his ways. It's just his nature, and that's fine. He's very fun to work for, though.