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Festool sander and sanding pads


I am going to get a festool sander, I currently use air vantage sanders, I really
like them, I have some cheaper electric sanders that I use for odds and ends.

I know very little about the festool configuration of the holes in the paper for dust collection. Do you use proprietary sandpaper from festool or do you buy a sanding pad from a big sandpaper name that has the same hole layout as the festool.

I talked to a salesman who doesn’t know a lot about the sander and the paper, but the two things he kept saying over and over ware, the sander is way easier on your body and secondly the paper they use is a lot better. I was wondering how festool’s paper could be that much better, but maybe they have a secret in their manufacturing.

12/10/20       #2: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
rich c.

The salesman must equate quality with cost! You can buy aftermarket discs with the Festool hole pattern.

12/10/20       #3: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Thanks for the information, I have found that there are about 1/2 a dozen stores that carry festool in my area and generally the salesman don’t know a lot about the whole line of Festool and secondly most of the places have no stock.

I was going to buy the 6 inch ETS sander as I liked the size of it, but after watching YouTube videos and reading on this site, I am now not sure? I was wondering the difference between the 3 &5 for stroke length? Or maybe I should get a Rotex?
I wasn’t keen on the size of the Rotex, but maybe that is a me problem.

12/10/20       #4: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Mark B Member

Your being fed a load of horse dung if he's telling you the festool will be less operator fatigue than an airvantage/surfprep/ceros. Beware of kool-aid.

12/10/20       #5: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Karl E Brogger  Member


Never used a festool sander I was impressed with. Super happy with the mirka sanders.

12/11/20       #6: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Leo G Member

Very happy with my Ceros and Deos Mirka sanders. Pricey, but it only hurts for a short time.

12/11/20       #7: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

I have all Festool sanders other than air sanders. The next one will be Mirka. I like the Rotex but now that we have those for a straight sander I like the Mirka better.

12/11/20       #8: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Maybe that old saying applies, he saw me coming from a mile away.
I would like to have 1 decent electric sander, I do like Festool’s dust collection , but I have no idea about the Mirka sanders features, I have saw them in the store, but that is all I know.
I am the type that has to research something to the max, by the time I decide a product is usually discontinued. It is sometimes an annoying habit to have.

12/11/20       #9: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Karl E Brogger  Member


Impulse purchase a Deros.
You won't be sad.

If I thought there was something better, I'd buy that. Right now I think it's the best sander available.

12/11/20       #10: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Mark B Member

You said your currently using airvantage? Are you talking there air/dynabrade? They offer the Ceros style sanders (electric with DC). Ask your sales rep to drop one by so you can try it.

12/11/20       #11: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Kevin B

The Festool ETS 150 is a nice unit for finish sanding, you can also use the Mirka Abranet paper which has no holes and will fit anything its similar to bug screen concept, the Deros is also a great choice. A little known fact Festool also makes an air sander, sold through 3M used mostly in automotive, but requires a festool vac and some setup to get going. Happy hunting

12/13/20       #12: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
david zaret Member

i also have all of the festool sanders, and recently a Deros and Deos. hands-down, the Deros is my favorite sander. and, i switched from festool paper to cubitron... night and day.

if you are considering the festool 150/3, seriously consider the Deros instead. i have both, and the Deros is far more comfortable to use.

12/14/20       #13: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Thanks for all the input,
I looked at the Mirka sanders briefly, I read a lot about these sanders and watched quite a few hours of online info, quite a bit of feed back mentioned the Mirka sanders breaking down,that is worrisome.

I took a picture of the sanders I use, maybe I will save $700 and not buy anything new. I was ready to buy the ETS 150/3, but not sure now.

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12/14/20       #14: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Scott Gibson Member


Choose a Mirka Deros and don't look back! We've had both the discontinued Ceros and the Deros. The Ceros did break down but we've had three Deros in production for several years without a breakdown. Also, use the Mirka Abranet discs. They cost more but last 5 times as long as paper discs.

12/14/20       #15: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Leo G Member

I'm still running my Ceros. It did break down once, the balancer broke and they replaced it. I also sent it in for the recall, so it's been out twice for me. But I like the Ceros better than the Deros because it's smaller. And it makes a difference in some cases.

They gave me a Deros to use while my Ceros was in repair and I was really glad to get it back. The Deros is bigger and heavier. The cord is lighter weight but since it's always attached to a vacuum it doesn't matter that much.

12/14/20       #16: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Scott Gibson,

That is good news that you have 3 and none have been in for repairs, my experience talking to people is you need 3 so when 2 are in for repairs you still have one to use.
Maybe manufacturing is getting things sorted out.
I do like the option to change pad size and the variable speed lever is like most of the air ones we use., so I like that feature as well. You can use their paper on any sander.

12/14/20       #17: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Karl E Brogger  Member


Explain to the class how a 5hp sander is saving money.....

12/14/20       #18: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

You have a dedicated 5 hp compressor to run your sander, wow, that is inefficient.

You need to get a big screw compressor with a large storage tank. Feed the whole shop, very efficient and it’s a fixed cost.

Do you have a microwave or do you put your lunch in the window and hope it heats up in time?

12/15/20       #19: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Sorry I posted before I was finished somehow, what I was saying about the microwave is that some things are a necessity and others are just nice to have.
Some expenses are more important than others.
To me the air sanders are a necessity , I have never figured out the cost of buying and operating them compared to the electric ones. The reason I wanted an electric one was for sanding tasks when on sites.

Are all your sanders on their own dedicated vacuums?

12/15/20       #20: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Leo G Member

5HP vs 400 watts.

(HP= 746watts per HP [100% efficiency])

This can be especially important if you are on an electrical demand payment system.

12/15/20       #21: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Thanks for everyone’s great input, I have decided to get the Mirka Devos 650cv, no one has them in stock in my area so I have to order it.
I have one more question about the hose, do I need to order the hose and do I need an adapter as I was planning on using my festool vacuum., or will the festool hose attach to the sander.
Thanks for any input.

12/15/20       #22: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Leo G Member

I think the Festool hose will be too big. I think the ID is 1" for the sander. You might be able to get an adapter.

I went out and got the coaxial hose/cord combo. Crazy stupid price for what it is but it really is worth it not having to chase them down or get tangled.

This is where I got mine and as far as I know they have the best price.


12/15/20       #23: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Thanks for the info, I will check it out. I can get the sander I believe with just the power cord for $510. I am waiting to hear how much the hose and case are?

12/15/20       #24: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Karl E Brogger  Member


Scott, no I use a microwave.

I have a small 15hp screw compressor and dryer. It sits on a 80 gallon tank, and the system is about another 30 gallons of a capacity. The downdraft table has a storage tank for the pulse cleaning, but I'm not sure how big that is.

Point is, it takes almost 5hp of compressor to produce the 15cfm at 90 psi that sander requires. Pneumatics while useful, are a horrible waste of energy in terms of efficiency. Factor in compressor maintenance, filter costs, electricity, it's a big expenditure to do not much.

No, not all of my sanders are hooked to a single vacuum, one has no vacuum as it is operated on the downdraft table. One sits in a box for jobsite use and as a spare should the need arise. It gets used occasionally with the install vacuum in the shop. The other three are hooked to their own oneida dust cobra vacs, and sensor switches, the vac also services the chop saws on those benches. See picture.

The coax hose they sell is a kick in the tool pouch, but it's nice to have only one thing getting tangled. Don't wrap the cord where it comes out of the sander around the hose tightly, it will eventually fail and your options are: fix the stupid thing, or spend an obnoxious amount of money on another. There might be cords of the correct length available too. That I do not know. Then it'd be a cheap easy repair. Take it apart, and shake a new cord in the hole.

They're solid units. I still use a dynabrade from time to time for certain things, but not much. Let us know how you like or hate it.

View higher quality, full size image (3024 X 3024)

12/16/20       #25: Festool sander and sanding pads ...


Thanks for the valuable information, I really like the idea of the miter saws being attached to those smaller vacuum/dust collectors.

12/16/20       #26: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Mark B Member

Sounds to me like Scott is behind the times with calculating the true cost of operating those air powered dynabrades that everyone dreamed of having as a kid, no different than an impact wrench, air ratchet, and so on. The ones than never factor in the operating cost of compressed air. Its an obscenely wasteful way to power anything but the tools that must run on air.

Notice a lot of mechanics now running cordless or electrics when they can? Its smart math. Assembly line at Toyota, Ford, GM? Way less air than 30 years ago.

Scott, if you calculate your true cost for making air its a no brainer. People then say "well I have to make air for other stuff in the shop anyway". Hogwash. making as little air as possible is money in the bank. Consumer sanders sucked. So dynabrades were the production machine. Now electrics are smoother than those of old and pretty close to closing the gap and they have gone well beyond closing the gap with regards to competing with air on cost of operation.

The mentions here with regards to the Mirka breakdowns always seem to be a hold over from the Ceros debacle. We have two Ceros that luckily never had any issue and are still running to this day. Ive not heard any issue with the Deros or the Deos. Nor with Surfprep or AirVantage electrics.

12/16/20       #27: Festool sander and sanding pads ...


Ya I would have to agree with posters in this forum that the cost of making air adds up, I am going to analyze and make some changes, I am trying to be open to change as I get older and not be to much of a slow learner.
Thanks for the help.

1/5/21       #28: Festool sander and sanding pads ...

Thanks for all the input in this forum, the sander finally arrived and I will now give it a whirl. The hose still hasn’t come, but the festool hose fits nicely so all good.

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1/8/21       #29: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Dave Edgerton  Member

We have 3 mirka Sanders 2 zeros and 1 demos. We have run these machines every day 8 hours a day for 7 years and they still outperform. No other sander can do that other than an air powered dynabrade.
We have the 8 mm orbit. Dont bother with anything else we have put them to the test.

1/8/21       #30: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
pat s gilbert

Interesting thread, I feel like I have read an article by Elon Musk

1/10/21       #31: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Karl E Brogger  Member


So, how does Scott like his deros?

Was everyone feeding you a line of crap, or not?

9/25/21       #32: Festool sander and sanding pads ...
Svital SA  Member


Festool is always a great choice

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