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Staying on top harder than to get there.

Akram Ragaei Armanyous Member

We had so many Edgebanders brands to choose from, Aletndorf, Stiles, Felder, ETC
Unfortunately we picked a brand that we thought it is on TOP
Holzher Streamer 1057 XLC installed July 30, 2022
Now LESS THAN 8 MONTH we had unpleasant experience
Excessive glue on top of the board
Trimmer blade gone to hell and cost $1,200 to replace ( diamond LOL)
Now, the big one, feed motor running the conveyer belt gave up and the whole machine turned to a pile of junk.
tech support saying sorry sir, our reliable machine covered with one year part and 6 MONTH labor.
Will send you a new feed motor and install it on your own or you pay for installation.
Calling the gentleman who sold us this unit and he told me he understood our situation and he is on our side ( so touching and hardly controlled my tears ☹), he promised to do some phone calls and that was last MONDY a week ago.
A week ago we had a very loud noise from the feed motor, they refuse to check or try to work out a solution, NOW the edge bander stalled and not working.
Today I was loading jobs to another shop to edge band until we can figure something out.

A toaster from Walmart will carry better warrantee and get better support.

Holzher, taking your customer for granted is never a good idea, we have tons of alternative better brand with obviously a way better service.

3/28/23       #2: Staying on top harder than to get t ...
Dave Edgerton  Member

Are we talking that you bought this new?

3/28/23       #3: Staying on top harder than to get t ...

This is an important post and I hope they let it stay. Every major purchase we make in our lives is a leap of faith. This is a good example; no amount of due diligence on the part of the purchaser could have prevented this. We are at the mercy of company's reputations and integrity. Does stuff happen? Of course it does, and that's when companies need to step up and take care of the customers as quickly as possible no questions asked. Or suffer the consequences, which are posts like this one. What other recourse do we as consumers have other than to call out less than stellar customer service? I hope Holzher steps up and takes care of this customer and a couple of weeks from now we see a post form the OP stating they are now satisfied. When our own customers are dissatisfied, we drop EVERYTHING and we rally until the problem is fixed. That's how things have to work, there's no other acceptable way.

Please let us know how this works out.

3/28/23       #4: Staying on top harder than to get t ...
Akram Member


Dave, yes that was new, and so far it has only 138 hours.

DS, as you say stuff happen, good and bad, when we deliver a job, I always listen to the customer feedback and be respectful and responsible of any mistake if happen.

they sent the motor 2 days ago, now it is setting on the floor, and I contacted the sales rep same day and sent a pic for the package asking for the next step, and no answer yet.
now the shop is down all we do is pumping parts, this is what we do for living, cnc parts and edge banding. and every one hear know the down time how it is very costly, payroll and running business expense.

2 years ago we bought the 5X10 Felder, and, I posted a very positive post about the Felder team, and one day the Felder rep was traveling back from Vegas, and I found him on our shop with NO previous notification, and he said I wanted to stop by and see how is every thing going. this is how it should be any company wanted to stay on TOP
I remember I got some replies thinking it was a paid advertising LOL.
Felder so far nothing but TOP service on every level, Carl at California treat every shop like his own shop

today again one of my to do list is calling back again and let be it, it has to be repaired and we live and learn.

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3/28/23       #5: Staying on top harder than to get t ...
Akram Member


This morning I received a phone call from the technical department management, and a technician scheduled to show up today and it happened already, Ivan showed and he replaced the feed motor.
He was knowledgeable and representing for what it should be one of the top companies worldwide and yes they covered it under warranty, it is electrical part and stuff happened.
Thank you Holzher for make it right and taking care of your customer.

3/30/23       #6: Staying on top harder than to get t ...
David R Sochar Member

Website: http:/

I think these companies could go a long way in improving customer contact, and service. When we have a problem, the end of the world is in sight, and coming our way. But a call into the company, it is just another machine, and they take it and put some piece of paper on top of a stack of papers. That work order should be bright orange, and be hand carried to the next step, and expedited thru every step. The customer should be called by the end of the day with the vendor's plan. Then everyone can relax, knowing the fix is in the works. It is when these clowns don’t respond that you get crazy, and for good reason.

3/31/23       #7: Staying on top harder than to get t ...
Kevin Jenness

Don't take this the wrong way, but if edgebanding is as big a part of your workflow as it sounds it may be worthwhile to have a backup machine on hand. They are sensitive machines and you may not be able to count on yours whenever you need it, even if your vendor has the best intentions. I don't say this to excuse their initial response, and I'm glad they stepped up and got you back online.

4/27/23       #8: Staying on top harder than to get t ...
Mr Fee Member

Our brand new Holz her sprint started on fire about a year after the company i work for bought it. Something with the servo that pushes the glue out. I Know it cost us a week of downtime and a lot of money to repair. Was not a fun situation for the owners

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