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Holzher edgebander problems

Gerben Member

Hi, i recently bought a used holzher auriga
But now i have glue spilling over the top of my panels, tracer shoe is down, yet its a mess

Also last 5 mm of the edgetape is not sticking, eventhough there's glue, and the pressure roller is applying pressure

And randomly the edgetape is misaligned on the board

Is there anyone on this forum that can help me out on the above problems?

I already had holzer look at the machine, it worked good when the tech left, but it didn't last long

3/19/24       #2: Holzher edgebander problems ...

I think it would be in your best interest to have Gordon Pettit in. He is an expert in my opinion when it comes to Holzher. Let him run through the machine and get it working right. We have him in once a year to run through our machines even though we take meticulous care of them.

Pettit Technical Services. Gordon Pettit.
I highly recommend him.


3/19/24       #3: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Gerben Member

Pennsylvania is a long ways from here lol
I'm in southern Alberta

3/20/24       #4: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Tom Gardiner

All thes symptoms could be caused by the incorrect board thickness set for the pressure bar. Double check that.

3/20/24       #5: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Gerben Member

I have the thickness set to the same thickness as the panel
I know the tech recalibrated it for me
He said it should have 3mm of pressure, so for example a 16mm panel should just touch the rollers at 19mm

3/21/24       #6: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Jim Herron

Agreed. I think you should tighten up a bit.
I calibrated mine for gripping at actual panel thickness.
If opened up past that I'll get tape application skip

3/21/24       #7: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Jim Herron

My glue nozzle is set manually, no PLC
Sounds like your running about 3mm open, causing your glueline to extrude above the panel.

3/26/24       #8: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Gerben Member

Jim you might have a point, i did try to adjust
But still getting glue on the bottom
The glue nozzle height is also set manually on mine, only how far before or after the panel it opens/closes that is set with the plc.

Still have edgetape loose on many pieces, i decided to go tighter on the bridge dial, but no improvements there.

But the worst problem is that the bottom back corner of almost every panel has slightly loose edgetape, even if i set the nozzle timing so that it stays for lets say 10mm after the panel, then there's still glue missing on those last couple milimeters
Does anyone know how to get glue on that corner?
Ive tried increasing the glue pressure but that didn't help either

3/30/24       #9: Holzher edgebander problems ...

The glue station needs about 1-2 mm of preload , the entire unit has a hand tightening lever that can be used to adjust the position of the glue unit in relation to the indeed fence .

You will want to check this and see if it has a little travel ( can be pushed back slightly from the glue line )

Also you may need to adjust the height of the glue station in relation to the panel bottom . The top adjustment only controls the height of the glue line ,bottom of glue line is controlled with the height of the station , has adjusting jamb nuts on the bottom side

Get a tech there and make them explain all the adjustable parts of the station , not just tune it for you and then leave , that way you can keep it in adjustment yourself.

I had to go through this on my 2001 triathlon, and now we get better parts of it than most of the shops around us with fune year old machines , it's all about learning your machine and weekly maintenance.

3/30/24       #10: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Jim Herron

Agreed. I think your glue station, the large plate that the tape rides on, needs to be precisely adjusted to the bottom nozzle of the glue station, then the glue gate opening can be adjusted to match the panel thickness.
The amount of glue fore and aft of the panel can be adjusted by the two pneumatic throttle valves at the very front of the machine before it enters the tape feed
No need for dramatic adjustment just incremental, same with the jack screw that raises the plate of the glue station.
The jack screw has a large hex nut locking the screw, which has an 8mm or 10mm Allen head in the end of it.

4/1/24       #11: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Gerben Member

I have adjusted the height of the glue station over the past few days and done lits more glue tests, i have now maxed out the height adjustment bolt of the glue station
And still getting glue spilling at the bottom
Would there just be too much glue that it pours down and thus causing the bottom to spill out?
Would anyone know if there's a seal inside the glue station that can fail?

As for the missing glue on the ends of the panel: on a standard 16mm thick panel i get a decent coverage from end to end
But when I do glue tests with a thick panel i get an angled glue line start
As in the bottom is ok, but at the top its missing at least 10mm of glue
No i generally don't run anything thicker than 19mm, but it does seem odd

4/1/24       #12: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Jim Herron

Is the glue applicator square to the plane the panel travels in?
There are adjustments for that as well, but I think that would be evident along the length of the panel.
Do you have any clear edgebanding to test and visually verify the glue application along the full length of the panel?
There's a fair amount of range in the height adjustment to glue station with the allen recess jack screw, after loosening the large jam nut
The HH glue system is in my opinion the best out there, but adjustments can be tedious to get on the money.
Might be worth bringing in a technician competent with the HH
Lee Johnson was very knowledgeable, but has passed.
I've heard good things about Gordon Pettit on here as well.
Sorry I'm not more help.

4/1/24       #13: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Jim Herron

To clarify, The jack screw should be adjusted to lower the plate down to just meet up with the lowest opening on the glue nozzle, otherwise you'll get the glue going past the panel and dropping out the bottom.

4/1/24       #14: Holzher edgebander problems ...
Gerben Member

I find it very hard to see whether the glue applicator/nozzle is square to the panel
Can't really get my face in there to see it when a panel is in the machine.

No i don't have clear tape, but a holzher tech suggested that i put grease on the rollers to prevent glue from sticking to it and do a glue test with the rollers engaged
This showed me where the rollers were pressing, definitely got heaps of glue coming out the top and bottom of the panels

I did my research before i bought this edgebander, and was totally sold on the idea of a nozzle rather than a roller, but I'm sure having second thoughts, i spend approximately 2 hours every day fiddling with this piece of grief.
But I'll be getting a holzher tech out here to go over it as this isn't worth it
Everyone thanks alot for the reply's so far
If i come to a solution I'll try remember to post it here

4/2/24       #15: Holzher edgebander problems ...

Thats super frustrating,
Been there.

But they are great trouble free machines when you get them dialied in.

We don't ever have to touch a panel after it comes off the bander, right to the assembly table.

Just stay the course, it will be worth it.

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