We are in the hot humid south so we only deal with cold temps for about 12-14 weeks in the winter and usually no colder than the 50's outside.
We've just heated our work areas with propane and diesel torpedo style heaters because you can warm up a small area with one easily even if there's a lot of air loss due to dust collection and finish booth.
Problem is, our local propane place (an Ace hardware) went belly-up at the end of last winter and now the closest place that does refills is like 12 miles of FRUSTRATING traffic away.
I had worked out a deal with a local Forklift propane supplier to just keep us stocked with full tanks, but they only deal in forklift tanks, and I did not realize that those dispense ONLY liquid propane. The vendor didn't tell us that, he said we just needed an adapter. I haven't inked the deal yet because I cannot find any way of safely using a forklift tank on these portable torpedo heaters safely (they hook up same way a gas grill does).
I'm looking for suggestions here. We're going to use our diesel heaters for now, we have a few that is fine for our very mild temps right now but by Christmas I'm hoping I can find a way of staying stocked up on propane bottles that doesn't involve having to drive across the county.