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AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working

John McGinnis

I am an infrequent user of Alphacam (only when I can't do something in Cabinet Vision). I have the 2018 R1 version. Last time I opened it, it went to my License manager. I entered the servercode that was given to me when I purchased that version and it doesn't work. I have called them multiple times with no pick up. I emailed my sales rep and tech support and so far the only reply has been from my sales rep who told me, "Unfortunately, the only suggestion that will work is to replace the license. It is similar to when an air conditioner unit in a home reaches the end of its life and stops working. The only option is to replace it." That sounds like BS to me. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might get my software back to being useable?

6/3/23       #2: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
David Wishengrad

Did you use an imaging utility to image your hard drive and verify that it worked well?

This is their point.

It would be nice if people were not thrown to the curb by software companies when they did not do the most basic due-diligence. You are not the first I have heard of regarding this company.

The fact of the matter is that even if you can get someone, I do not believe they have the source code or the software to generate you a new code.

You can try contacting Rich Greenhoe, he was over at MasterCam last I looked. I don't know if he could possibly help you. He was the software boss there years ago. Enroute may be an option if you did not image your drive.

6/3/23       #3: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
David Wishengrad

P.S. It is possible that that licensing server no longer is online. I would verify that you do not need it, per your license agreement.

If they sold you a perpetual licence and took that away then consult an attorney. You may be able to get several shops to chip in and do a class action.

If they do not have a legal leg to stand on then it appears lost time damages are in order for their delay.

Once, and if, they are instructed by the court to 'not do that', then punitive measures will be in order too.

6/3/23       #4: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
Joe W. Member

I don't know what version of Cabinet Vision you are using, but that shouldn't matter. Even if it is a version they now refer to as Sunset Versions. I believe they plan to sunset Version 11 and maybe 12 soon. 2023 is the newest version and I am now using AlphaCam 2022.

All that said I have found that if you are no longer paying for their support many have complained that getting help has been difficult even though they claim your version and license are still good.

Have you tried Hexagons "Vero Customer Portal"? It and the Cabinet Vision Forums is where most are directed to for help. The portal allows you to submit a written request for help. Calling, even if you are still paying for support takes forever to get a response. You get put into the "QUE" I think it is called. You can also deal with License issue on the portal.

I see posts on the forum all the time where people are questioning why they have not had a response to the calls and written request.

Have you tried to contact the CSR (Customer Service Rep) for your area? Thy should at least be able to direct you to the right place.

I suspect that if the version of CV you have a license for is a Sunset Version your gonna continue to have trouble getting help.

Good Luck

6/4/23       #5: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

I have heard that if you aren't on support for several years your license times out. Don't get me started on that. It happened to a friend. Call your sales rep and get out the checkbook.

6/5/23       #6: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
David Wishengrad

Hi Mike,

I don't want to get you started.

Pehaps the best way to avoid that is to avoid the software altogether? :)

I know someone who went to Enroute over it. Asking people who need software to do millwork understand the long term implications of a license agreement is an issue, in my opinion.

Were they told, before their purchase, that if they did not pay for support that their software would stop working in a few years?

As far as I can tell, John did not expect this to happen.

The basic tech is so old and that is probably all he needs.

6/5/23       #7: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
John McGinnis

To be clear- this is for Alphacam - not Cabinet Vision. I have gone back though the paperwork and there is nothing in there about the software expiring. My sales rep did finally call me and gave the most unhelpful responses to my questions. He almost seemed to be deliberately unhelpful. I think the point is that they do not want to help you fix the problem- they want you to fork over another $5k for the software again. I get that if I use the software often- but I don't. I am an occasional user and version 2018 worked fine for me. The sales rep seemed to suggest that it may be a windows update that caused the problem but that is just him being evasive. The license doesn't work and that is the problem.

I would be interested to know how many of you have experienced this. At this point, I will be looking for another software to do the job. If AlphaCam is going to treat their customers this way, I don't want anything to do with them.

6/5/23       #8: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

Full disclosure, I have a dealer key because I work as a contractor for a machine manufacturer. The policy of end of service is new, so if he wasn't informed at the time of purchase, it may have been because it wasn't a thing back then. I do find the software very good as far as working with various aggregates, multidrill heads and 4 and 5 axis applications. For run of the mill applications, there are much cheaper solutions. I do find Alphacam to be very intuitive to learn and I have taught many to make incredible architectural millwork projects a reality. Not cheap and it does have downsides, but if you have the resources, it is a great tool. Nuff said. I'm done for the night.

6/5/23       #9: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
David Wishengrad

Mike, either he knew or didn't know. He claims he didn't. It has nothing at all to do with functionality or price as far as I can see.

Have a great day.

John, my condolences on your loss.

6/8/23       #10: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

Vectric Cut 2d Pro at $450.00 is a pretty good value.

View higher quality, full size image (1843 X 930)

6/9/23       #12: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
David Wishengrad

Hi Mark,

Regarding dxf import, can you please tell me:

If it puts the end of the part paths in the nesting to the inside of the sheets so that the parts are always connected to the sheet until the end of the cut to help keep small parts from flying away?

Can the strategies be user defined to any layer name?

Is the vertice order of the geometry used or ignored in the tool path?

Can it read the depth of a cut from geometry thickness or is it completely strategy name based?

Can you share any links to videos, that you think are vwry educational, regarding the batch import of dxfs?

Must all the dxf being imported be in the same dxf file? e.g. can it
batch import dxfs in individual files from a list?

Thank you!

6/9/23       #13: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
Mark Member

@david wishengrad
Vcarve Pro and Cut 2d Pro have the functionality to optimize for yield and nest individual dxf parts. They both do True Shape nesting in that parts can rotate to achieve better yield and, parts can nest within parts. Think small part being nested in the donut hole.
You can also import dxfs that represent optimized sheets of parts.

My design program generates optimized dxf patterns that are not only optimized for yield but, also optimized to help with small part handling and part cutting order. I want parts cut in a cabinet number order to prevent unnecessary sorting and part handling.

You asked about:
are parts always connected to the sheet until the end of the cut?

You can define trim cuts and sheet borders to keep parts connected to the sheet for as long as possible during the cutting process to prevent small parts from falling off prematurely.

You asked:
Is the vertice order of the geometry used or ignored in the tool path?

Both Vcarve and Cut2d offer complete sets of configuration choices related to the order of cuts at the tool level. They also provide an excellent animated toolpath previewer that helps you dial in details like where the cut will enter and exit on each part, the cutting order of small parts vs non-small parts and the order of machining per tool. I’ve never seen a more complete set of controls and Vectric has done a great job of presenting these configuration values in the programs user interface. See picture below.

You asked:
Can the strategies be user defined to any layer name?

Layer names are used to make the match to specific tools that will machine the geometry on those layers. For example, a part outline on a layer named "border" will be cut with the tool designated for border cuts on nested parts.

Unlike more expensive CAD/CAM software, Vectric programs do not utilize 3D model information to generate toolpath depths. Instead, cutting depths are set individually for each tool at the toolpath configuration or strategy level.

While 3D model-based toolpaths offer benefits, they also introduce complexity that 2D-based toolpaths can avoid. Vectric's toolpath configuration works well with sheet size and thickness specifications, providing an effective alternative to 3D methods.

While I initially used 3D DXF-based toolpaths with software like CabinetWare and have used KCD for the past 23 years, I have found that Vectric's 2D-based approach provides an effective alternative with less complexity - though it may sacrifice capabilities of 3D toolpaths some folks need.
Vectric's 2D toolpaths provide a good balance of:
- Simplified workflow that does not require 3D modeling knowledge
- Fine-grained toolpath control at the tool \ individual part level
- Helps to simplify the difficult setup task required by design programs when doing 3d dxfs

Working with 2D data in design software simplifies that setup process. Z-values \ depths do not matter - only the layer names assigned to each tool or machining detail.

Vectric software allows you to precisely define machining depths for each tool. For example, you can set 5 mm adjustable shelf holes to drill 14 mm deep.

By specifying the sheet thickness separately (e.g. 19 mm), Vectric will generate G-code to drill 14 mm deep holes in that material. The same toolpath configuration and 14 mm depth can be used for different sheet thicknesses. You do not need to modify toolpaths for different material thicknesses required for standard cabinetmaking on varying material thicknesses.

You asked about resources for learning Vectric software.

YouTube channel LearnYourCNC provides excellent tutorials for Vectric programs.This channel content helped me understand several important concepts I wish I had learned sooner.

One of his videos helped me learn how to define "relative" toolpath depths that adjust based on sheet thickness. Instead of specifying an absolute depth like "14 mm", you can enter a formula like:
Where "T" represents the sheet thickness. So for a 19 mm sheet, it would cut T (19) - 8 = 11 mm deep. For an 18 mm sheet, it would cut T (18) - 8 = 10 mm deep. This ensures a consistent remaining tenon thickness of 8 mm, regardless of the sheet thickness.

Relative depths are useful for operations like tenon relief cuts that start from the panel face. Sheet thickness in Vectric determines the z-axis origin, so relative depths allow the toolpath to adjust accordingly.

Vectric software excels for standard cabinetmaking operations that don't require varying z-axis depths for different parts within a single batch. If you need automated gcode generation for complex parts with changing z-depths, Vectric may not meet your needs.

While Vectric programs use a 2D-based toolpath strategy, you can still import 3D DXF files. During toolpath configuration\creation, you can select a machining detail and tell the program to read the Z-value from the 3D content and this will set the toolpath value to this value.

However, Vectric software will not generate toolpaths based on unique Z-values for individual parts in the 3D model. The toolpaths are still 2D-based, with a single Z-value specified for each tool.

Vectric does not market their software as nested optimization programs. However, they do offer the ability to import multiple loose DXF files and optimize those parts for material yield. This includes properly placing the parts for nested cutting.

Vectric programs include "Gadgets" that automate common tasks. The built-in Batch DXF Import Gadget can import a folder of loose DXFs or optimized/nested DXFs organized by sheet size.

After the batch import of loose DXFs, you do a selection set of individual parts and apply the optimization and nesting process. It works similarly for dxfs already optimized and nested on dxf sheet patterns. In this case you don’t do the nesting process.

At this point with either loose dxfs or sheets of optimized dxfs you apply a tool path template to generate the data that will be written out as g-code.

I wanted more automation than Vectric's built-in gadgets provided so I commissioned a custom gadget to automate determining sheet size, material thickness, and sheet orientation based on a specific router.

Some machines I create code for have an 8' width and 4' height, while others are 4' wide and 8' tall. The gadget controls the import and placement order of pattern DXFs to match the order my design software generates them. Without this gadget, the import order did not match the creation order.

This gadget is something I spent time with a developer and dollars to pay him for his work. I would not be able to use Vectric programs without this gadget.

You can see in the screen grab below just how detailed Vectric programs are when it comes to machining.

6/9/23       #14: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
David Wishengrad

Excellent 👍. Thank you for that explanation and your time. You answered them all and then some.

Have a great weekend!

6/9/23       #15: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
John McGinnis

Thank you. Sounds like these are great alternatives to AlphaCam and maybe I should have been using a long time ago.

6/12/23       #16: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
Pdub Member

Hi John. You and I have conversed in the past, back when we were both purchasing our machines.
I'm betting I can guess exactly who you are dealing with at AC. He's tech support, sales, the whole shebang and he is not pleasant to deal with. I, like you only use AC to do things I can't get CV to do., Therefore it doesn't make sense for me to update AC. I think I have the same version as you. They were running a smoking deal to upgrade in 2018 and I took it. "That guy" was my biggest hesitation in the purchase. At the time, I compared Vectric (or a version of) and they were pretty close. A few convenient features of AC weren't there, I already knew the program and the price was similar (at the time) so I went with AC. Even after upgrading, getting that guy to help me install it was arduous. He was a jerk as usual, and I immediately regretted my decision. Oh well.
FWIW, I just updated my CV to 2023 and AC is still working fine. So there should be a way to get it to go. I would start a CV support ticket and I'm betting they can get the licensing to play well together. Then you won't have to deal with "that guy". If mine ever goes down again and he's still the one in charge, I will for sure be jumping ship from AC.
Good luck

6/18/23       #17: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

Only asking because I didn't see it, but did you email alphacam support directly? They usually get back to me within 20 minutes

6/18/23       #18: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
John McGinnis

Yes- I emailed them a couple of times but no response. I’m not on support so I didn’t expect much from them but I thought I might at least get something.

I briefly considered just going ahead and purchasing the newest version but their interaction with me convinced me not to.

6/28/23       #19: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

software caused us major headaches at the worst possible times,,,,monday morning start ups,,,saturday last minute machining parts for a delivery,,,,,these guys have been instrumental,,,

Bill Waters (a few years back)
Mereck helped us with post processor ,alpha,vision solid 8,HSM
Chevy - programmer, makes anything software work (posts,windows)

6/28/23       #20: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

John, I've had nothing but excellent help from them when needed, promptly. I apologize that you have a bad taste, but Hexagon owns them now and it may just be policy to conduct business only with paid customers. The newest versions new features nothing to write home about, but in total I love the software. Worth the license re up in my opinion. I also run a majority of 5 axis parts, do the support benefits me greatly.

6/28/23       #21: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

i run a small shop and when i spend 15k + 2500.00 for an alpha-cam post, and i don't hear back from a rep for 3 days, that was an alarming time for me.

the software is the best nothing like Alphacam and Cabinet Vision.

I have been burned by all software. TopSolid Wood has the best support , when i was able to reach them.

Again, if this website wasnt here, would have been down for weeks after we got our machine from Stiles

6/28/23       #22: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
Michael Member


I can offer to replace the license too. sorry)

6/28/23       #23: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

gents,,,i sincerely apologize for ranting, ; ) thanks for listening, a customer is holding 2500.00 for a nail hole on a final walk through

6/28/23       #24: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

Michael any chance you have an extra seat of WoodWop v8 or Cutrite v12,,,

the quote was insane

6/28/23       #25: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
David Wishengrad


Are you saying you are going to give everyone who has previously purchased a licence which is now not working a license that will work for free?

That's not enough. In my opinion, they should be paying each and every company that has had an issue no less than 250,000.00USD each and display an apology on their front page. If they don't do that then people like myself who were responsible for a great many sales will not recommend or endorse any of their products or their company never again.

They can do what they want and the rest will do the same.

Thank you,

6/28/23       #26: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...

Mr. Wishengrad with kind reguards, you dont know what is it is to have 3 guys and 250k machine standing still after you invested in what was promised by a great sales pitch.

i wish sales guys were a little knowledgeable. At least in my area . When support that solves my problem comes from an online forum, my thinkin was , im paying the wrong people

7/4/23       #27: AlphaCam Suddenly Stopped Working ...
AArpa Italia

Jim , i have extra seat key of CutRite v12 if you need, you can email me


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