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Message Thread:


Matthew Durand Member

I run a Busellato Jet3000 3 axis running Genesis software

I have been having a Z axis error come up and also says Z axis cannot finish movement.

I have had two engineers look at it, one was an SCM engineer who is very skilled with these machines and neither can find the fault so asking on here if anyone has any other thoughts on this.

We have tried three Z axis motors
three different cards
replaced encoder cable
replaced power cable
replaced relay for the brake
swapped Y and Z wires over on the cards and tried moving manually and still the same
tried all 4 different combinations of swapping the 3 phase wires around (3 wires)

We are stumped!!!!!!

Any ideas of anything else we can test or try will be greatly appreciated

Many thanks

4/29/20       #2: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

Pull the ball screw and test for play check all surrounding bearings Check the z axis boot for tears

If belt driven, check the wear on the drive gear, keys on the spline of the ball screw pulley

Did you in fact program the servo pack to the motor and is the brake releasing and applying tension properly ?

4/30/20       #3: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Rob Young  Member


You have done just about everything except look at the ball screw and the linear guide bearings.

4/30/20       #4: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

first step ,what is the alarm on the driver?
710 or 720?
do you have cylinder compensation in this machine?

5/4/20       #5: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Michael Folan Member

Greetings from lockdown Ireland
I dont have the same machine but my SCM had similar faults.
I suppose youve looked for offcuts trapped in the dust hood not allowing the shroud to fully retract
Another time with me sensor above the z axis had moved not allowing the machine to recognise the head was fully up
Both easy fixes

5/5/20       #6: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

hi guys, thanks for all your replies.

The machine is ball and screw and we are trying the motor disconnected from the screw and just resting on the machine.

We can get the status of the drive to "run" but when trying to move it is when it comes up with servo error.

three motors, three z axis cards, swapped wires over with Y card and still the same. replaced encoder cable, replaced power cable and tested 3 phase 230v into card and too the motor. All is fine, everything suggests this should run.

So working back from the card the only thing left is pc and the cnc controller, it wont be the pc so only thing left is the controller. Left it with engineers to scratch their heads at.

If in the mean time you guys still have ideas then please suggest them, im all ears

Once again thanks for your suggestions


5/6/20       #8: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

What exactly are you using to test the z with ?

What are you giving it input with ?

With all the items you are listing, it’s an encoder follow up error, faulty braking from shoe dust in a bearing that is creating tension.

That being said, have you checked for corruption in the operating software ?

Did you in fact place another motor on that z drive and it has the same response ?

5/6/20       #9: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

What is the alarm code on the Servopack? Does the Z axis yaskawa motor have an internal brake? If so the brake may not be released causing an over torque alarm.

5/6/20       #10: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Dropout Member

Recently spent 2 days tracking a spindle not turning on issue.

Turned out that the switch that manually moved the spindle up didn't spring back to it's normal center position. With the spindle forced up, it wouldn't start.

Sometimes the simplest things cause the most grief.

5/6/20       #11: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

you ask for help ,but you didnt answer any basic question i asked you
all parts you reaplace ,i can tell you before you reaplace you waste yours time
if you want help first answer my and Rob questions

5/8/20       #12: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

Most of the Yaskawa motors have a brake for position. I ran into a problem with the bearing seals allowing brake dust into the race causing grinding, tension and faults for two years Then it finally went

5/10/20       #13: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member


All the parts that have been replaced have been stated in the original post.

3 motors
3 z axis cards
encoder cable
power cable
internal brake relay

3 phase voltage test done into the z axis card and out of the card to the motor - all fine

Internal brake is releasing fine and can be bypassed to leave it off for testing

Even though I have "notify of responses" on here activated, im not getting any notifications

5/10/20       #14: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

We have a cable that can plug into the drive card and upto the back of the pc to run diagnostic software. Everything on the diagnostic software is saying everything is fine and is in "RUN" in the base block until we try and move manually via the genesis software and then the base block changes to "BASE BLOCK" and the ALARM monitor reads [A99]

The motors that were bought to replace the original broken one were guaranteed working when purchased. Since then the motors have been sent off to an independent specialist to confirm working and yes the motor, the encoder and brake has been confirmed working so we definitely know its not the motor. replacing the card with two other refurbished cards and trying Z with the Y card is telling us the cards are not the problem.

As I have mentioned before the cables have been replaced and tested and are working.

5/10/20       #15: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

I do appreciate the time you guys are taking to reply and im sorry if it takes me a couple of days to get back to you. As I mentioned earlier I have got the "notify me of responses" ticked but im not getting them.

Im not at work at the moment because of the lockdown so communicating with the engineer via WhatsApp so can take a while for him to respond to my questions. I am able to goto work as I have keys to try different suggestions

5/13/20       #16: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

A99 its not alaram its history
if you cant see the alarm direct on the driver ,try see it by the yaskawa software ,and conect yours laptop to the driver

i asked you about air cylinder compensation ,but you didnt answer(in some machines its very important)

try manualy take the z up(normaly can by helen key to rotate the screw even mechanick z brake) then try move down not up ,and see if still alarm

is that mechatrolink? if so is servo parameters transfer by the mechatrolinc? or maybi by sigmawin? in any case bater conect by sigmawin to be sure
good luck

5/14/20       #17: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Dropout Member

When does this error show up?

Starting a cut?

At the end of a cut coming out of the material?

Do you have a drill block? If so does the Z work for the drill block ?

Will it work if you set the feed override to it's lowest setting?

Can you manually move the axis from bottom to top and back again without and tight spots?

5/15/20       #18: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Yaakov - we have the motor totally disconnected from the screw but wired up and trying to move on the screen in manual but get the "Z axis servo error" and "Z axis didn't finish movement"

The machine is air sensitive and requires 6bar and we have this no problem

Im not sure on this one "is that mechatrolink? if so is servo parameters transfer by the mechatrolinc? or maybi by sigmawin? "

Dropout - Yes it does have a drill block and still the same, the motor is disconnected from the screw and is sat on the machine but still wired up so we can try and manually move the motor via the operating screen.

When I fire the machine up all the drives are green good to go until I try and setpoint or move manually and I get the errors "Z axis servo error" or " Z axis cant finish movement"

5/15/20       #19: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

ok,now more focus
second: when you try move or even move by hand(before press the 24 buton) do you see the z axiss position change on Albatros?(maybi buselatto call it genesiss)

5/15/20       #20: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

about the mechatrolink ,please send me photo of the driver then can understand if its mechatrolink or analog(mechatrolink its communication format that use in yaskawa
you can see one cable that out from the Tpa then go to first servo pack then chain all othere servo pack ,and one resistor at the end
analog its each servo pack have cable to Tpa axiss card

5/16/20       #21: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

Have you set the parameters in the drive with the communicator via the servo pack, before installing and running the machine?

5/16/20       #22: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

Did you reload all the parameters ?

Seriously, check to make sure your software is running correctly.

We had this problem once with z and a tech from Biesse Canada thought it was operating parameters.

We reinstalled, with Biesse US help and that was the problem.

Machine would not do anything but home after the z failure

5/16/20       #23: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Yaakov - the only time the shaft moves is on first fire up and everything is set to "run". If I then move manually in genesis the shaft on the motor will turn a quarter turn then error out with the pre-mentioned errors. After that it wont move at all.

I assume it is analogue as each drive has its own cables.

Cabinetmaker, this is my next thought is to put all the backup parameters back in as an off chance, will let you know how it goes but it probably wont be for a few days before I go in but will go in and try next week as I am still on lockdown and the business is still shut at the moment.


5/16/20       #24: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

cabinetmaker- there no compare to biesse,biesse use mechatrolink(at least 15 years) so all paramaters dounload from pc to servo pack
as mattheo describe its system is analog,so need to put the parameters direct to servopack
matteow- when you try move or even move by hand(before press the 24 buton) do you see the z axiss position change on Albatros?(maybi buselatto call it genesiss)

5/18/20       #25: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Went into work yesterday and reloaded the machine parameters from a backup and still the same.

The Z drive was re-programmed with parameters and no different so don't believe software is corrupt.

Here are some pictures of the machine, I can only upload three so theres more in the next comment below

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5/18/20       #26: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

more pictures

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5/18/20       #27: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Then I try and move it

I know the drive is communicating with the motor as the motor tries to move but just a couple of millimeters. Its like the brake is stopping it but we have the brake bypassed

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5/18/20       #28: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Yaakov - if I try and move the shaft physically by hand then the machine will come up with the Z axis servo error

5/18/20       #29: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

if you not run the axiss ,(just bb) there no any reason machine get in error
but in any case if machine in error or not ,when you move the axiss you shuld see the movment of the axiss in yours pc
if you dont see that numbers move,try x axiss and y and cheack also

5/18/20       #30: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

now i can see that the error is not from yaskawa ,its from system
its not overload ,its just system not see any movment
please try what i asked you before ,to move by hand and cheack if position on screen change
if not please send me photo of the controler ,axiss cards

5/18/20       #31: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

Technical Phone Support:

United States
Phone:1-800-YASKAWA (927-5292),
dial 2 or 1-847-887-7457, dial 2
Drives Support Hours: 7:00am to 7:00pm (CST) Mon-Fri
Motion & CNC Support Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm (CST) Mon-Fri
Online: Submit Support Request

5/18/20       #32: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

jim from what is look ,its not yaskawa problem
the servo not go in alarm ,the system go in alarm

5/20/20       #33: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Engineer has spoken to Yaskawa a few times about it and everything they say it is it isn't. They are convinced the errors are motor related but they definitely are not.

Yaakov, next time I go into work I will try moving by hand again.

you will see in one of the pictures of the manual movement screen for the Z axis that it has moved by .2mm when trying to move with the + or - so it does register on the screen when the shaft moves.

As everything previously listed has been replaced, working back I believe the only thing left is the main controller.

Yaakov - the x and y axis move fine as they should

5/20/20       #34: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

Your last svmon pic show A.71. This is an overload error. You say the motor only turn. Quarter turn after run. New motor new drive? If that Is the case it may be the power cable.

5/21/20       #35: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Rob - ok thanks but if you see in previous posts, the motor has been changed and been tested working and the power and encoder cables have been replaced


5/21/20       #36: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

working my way back from that I believe the only thing left is the controller.

I have in the past swapped over the Y and Z axis cables on the back of the controller and then tried moving Z with the Y axis manual move on the software but still the same. Have also swapped the cables on the back of the controller and at the other end of the cable where it goes into the card to see if it is the actual cable from the controller but still the same error.

I can only think now the only thing left to replace is the actual controller

5/21/20       #37: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

0.2 its mean nothing ,what i sugest is flip betwen the cable x or y and z(not run only bb)
then move the axis and see if you see movment
cable i mean the cable from servopack to controler
its have the encoder signal

5/24/20       #38: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

I have attached a video

For both of the tests in the video the brake is disabled

You will see when the Z axis is in error (base block) the shaft moves freely and when reset and the machine is in (run) there is resistance on the shaft

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5/24/20       #39: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

mathew ,if you want help please read what i asked and answer

by the way bb is not error
and as i told you before i didnt see yours driver give error,until now i only see control give error

5/24/20       #40: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Sorry Yaakov, sometimes its a little difficult to understand what you are saying or asking.

So you want me to swap the Z cable with X or Y from controller to servo? if so both ends?

Start machine so machine is in RUN or BASEBLOCK? and see if I can turn the shaft on the motor by hand?

5/25/20       #41: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...

bb not run
then turn the shaft by hand
then see on pc on screen (in wsc) if the numbers are changes
then if not change ,change between x or y and z ,the cable from servopack to controler

6/2/20       #42: HELP WITH Z AXIS FAULT PLEASE ...
Matthew Durand Member

Everything has come to a halt, went in the other day and took controller apart and cleaned contact with contact cleaner, fired machine up and was still getting same axis error.

Went in yesterday and when I fired it up I got a new error (see pic) took controller back out, took apart to see if anything obvious but all looks fine, shut machine down and fired back up a few times but still the same new error.

I have left it now with engineers to try and source a replacement controller :-(

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