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Message Thread:

Buying cnc


Anyone have any experience with CNC Factory? Other machines I have looked at are new cnc, homag, shop sabre. Iam a smaller shop. Would be nesting. I mostly do 4 x8 sheets but thinking it maybe nice to have a 5x12 table or something close. Any thoughts?

3/9/23       #2: Buying cnc ...
Maurice Member


Pay someone to do a inspection 1st and foremost and no a video showing it run does not count.

I have gone on inspection/ pack up where they sent a video the prior week and now the machine isn’t running. Video means nothing.

Control boards missing, mysterious damage I have seen the gambit.

If the machine is not under power, you might want to look for a different machine or negotiate a much better price and be prepared to spend more money getting it up and running.

There are some good machines out there so don’t let me scare you

The price might be great but if you get it to your shop and it’s not working. You just paid a bad price for a paper weight.

Btw if you call the MFG of the machine and they talk down on buying their used machine and they are trying to steer you to new. Why would you buy new if they can’t say anything good about the old one ?

Just a thought.

3/10/23       #3: Buying cnc ...
Joe Leugers

Your post does not indicate new or used. If you're looking for a used machine then you must consider your acquisition cost will be variable, ie is the controller supported, balance of spindle life, etc. These are very expensive components that can cause a black hole of your investment. If you are looking at a new machine then you must consider the purchase as only a moment in time. You must consider the level of support provided while you integrate it into your business.

3/10/23       #4: Buying cnc ...
james e mcgrew  Member

CNC Factory is a reseller of Chinese machines and has a good reputation doing that. naturally as a reseller they mark them up to more comparable prices to US and the european machines. I have both American and self imported a Sudaio direct from China, honestly in my entire career it is something I never thought i would do but it has worked out well. there are multiple Social media discussions to learn to use them. going with a US reseller is paying someone to be in your corner and that can be a good thing. My import was not my first CNC so I felt pretty comfortable doing it, The quality of the Imports has risen dramatically in the last few years , tarrifs are still at 25% of purchase yet after importing with shipping dropping again you can save half of a comparable machine. to those I know I still have my Camaster 508 atc. after 12 years it still runs like a well oiled machine but I needed to have faster production (on and off loader , drill bank) at lower labor (We all know why) and being in my mid 60s I did not want another mortgage. CAMaster has now built a large machine with a controller of more capacity to allow for this but two years ago when I went import it was not available, I would not over look a CAMaster if it is a first machine, it is nice to have thouands of owners to help with all that comes with being a new owner and the curve that follows. I hope this helps your question
3/10/23       #6: Buying cnc ...
Pdub Member

All good advice above. The small things I can add are
- Do you have the software to run the machine yet? I purchased my software over a year before the machine. and got comfortable with that 1st. Otherwise it would be like learning to pilot a helicopter and submarine at the same time.
- if this is your 1st machine, I'd be careful about buying used. The 1st year you will be learning a lot and making a lot of mistakes. It's nice to have tech's in your corner to help. I would not hesitate to buy used now, because now I know what I'm looking at.
- Because of this, I would lean toward a brand that has good support. This could be techs, but also a good forum, as Jim mentioned above.
-We are a small shop (3-4 guys on the floor) and wound up with a 5x12. We use the 10' option a lot and use the 5th foot for drilling doors, etc., but have only used the 12' maybe once in 7 years. It's nice to have extra machine, but I would prefer the floor space now.

3/10/23       #7: Buying cnc ...
joe leugers

I agree with Pdub although if you go with a third party software ie Cabinet Vision, Mozaik and the like and if you have some CAD experience its conceivable to get up and running in 6 months proficiently. We specialize in small to medium shops so have lots of experience helping the small guys get up and running while providing ongoing support...we don't have a limit on training. You need to partner with a supplier who will answer your every call.

3/10/23       #8: Buying cnc ...
Garen Pletzer

Thanks for the responses. I am looking at new and used. If it's used machine I think it would depend on how the service was from the manufacture and what else they could offer. I was thinking a 5 x 12 as well but I have only had a few sheets in 5 years of a 5 x 12. I do use some 10' maple tho. I have been using mozaik for 8 months. It seams to be going good. Sometimes I feel things don't work but then i find the error. Auto cad for over 15years. When using an autoloader does the material get scratched up? I do a lot of HPL panels and they don't come trimmed. When I seen a panel get picked up, the first thing I thought of was scratches in the sheets. Any particular brand that seams to stand out or get the best bang for your buck. It would be great to have that new machine backing with support. I was looking at a used homag and contacted a company who sells them and he gave me the new price and mentioned there was a used one at auction and gave his thought on what it could go for.

3/10/23       #9: Buying cnc ...
Pdub Member

If you're using an auto-loader, you are likely not what I would consider a "small" shop. Our machine sits idle quite a bit. A few minutes of unloading/ reloading and labelling don't hurt our production time enough to justify that cost and floor space.
My impressions of auto-loaders are when your using multiple bunks of material per day.

3/10/23       #10: Buying cnc ...
Garen Pletzer

I don't need the autoloader yet. When looking at some machines they have tool holder on the end of the machine where if you wanted an outfeed it wouldn't work. A few machines have said load and unload ready so as you grow your machine as needed. An example a shop sabre IS-510 5x12 was around 85k. US made. drill head, one pump. tools on the end of the machine Homag compact n300 5 x 10 with drill head pump 99k. tools drop down at end of table. From what I understand the homag I could add infeed and outfeed. The same as the cnc factory I can add it later if i wanted to. The CNC Factory was a lot cheaper with infeed and outfeed but a chinese import. And could add them later if I wanted to. I am trying to find more information about cnc factory.

3/14/23       #11: Buying cnc ...
Andy Ryals  Member

Call Jack at Limtech, he advertises here on Woodweb. I have bought two Limtech Orion 5x10 machines and I love them. His machines are competitively priced and his service is top notch.

3/15/23       #12: Buying cnc ...
Andy Ryals  Member

Call Jack at Limtech, he advertises here on Woodweb. I have bought two Limtech Orion 5x10 machines and I love them. His machines are competitively priced and his service is top notch.

3/19/23       #13: Buying cnc ...


We have a Shop Sabre Pro 408. We have owned our machine for about 8 years. The biggest concern at the time was that we had zero cnc experience. We were doing cabinets, bars and restaurants for a period. With age comes pain. We now mostly cut for other cabinet shops, counter top companies, and even cutting shipping crates for another. Some of which are in the thousands.

Shop Sabre has great, lifetime support. Their support is great. Living in Tennessee we are not very far from CamMaster. We looked at their machine and their tech support is also very good. I have some friends that use them and are satisfied. Ask lots of questions. I would stay away from the light weight machines.

3/20/23       #14: Buying cnc ...
Rudolf  Member


I have experience with the plant. I buy machines exclusively there for my small production. I even buy components from them. The only thing I don't like is the long wait, since the factory is in China. Otherwise, the quality, service and guarantees are perfect.
I've only once had a broken tube brought to me. They replaced it for free, even though it was the shipping company's fault. I am personally satisfied with my cooperation with Wattsan.

3/24/23       #15: Buying cnc ...
CalCurated Member

I would also suggest contacting Jack @ Limtech.

As far as software, I would welcome the opportunity to show you InteriorCad.


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