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Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 Handheld Controller

Peter Member


We are in a tough spot. We have a 2014 SCM Pratix S15 CNC Machine and the wires of the handheld device came unsodered. We are willing to send a check to somebody for $50 via Paypal to send us a photo of the inside of the controller. We just need a photo of the schematics so we can resoder the wire. SCM is not being very helpful.

Thank you!

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12/10/15       #3: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

Had the EXACT same thing happen to us. Chord got twisted and ripped all the solder connections out. Luckily it was under warranty and they sent us a new one. I opened up the new one and took a lot of pictures. I'm happy to send them to you and you don't need to worry about the $50. Send me your personal email and I'll get them out ASAP.

12/10/15       #4: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...
Peter Member

We are a few months out of warranty unfortunately.

Thank you for the help.

12/10/15       #5: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

Hard to believe SCM wouldn't help. I got schematics from them to do the same thing on an old machine about 15 years ago. Sad to hear that.

12/10/15       #6: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...
John McGinnis

I have a Busellato Easy Jet- which is the exact same machine with different stickers. I've had a couple of wires rip out too. This handheld device is not built for the rough and tumble of the shop. It's a nice machine but this is one major drawback.

12/11/15       #7: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

I agree. However, since the incident I have my guys focus on not letting the chord get too twisted. We also frequently check the "pressure nuts" at the bottom of the controller to make sure both of them are tight.
A couple side notes:
1) you cannot make the machine function at all without this handheld. They are also VERY expensive to replace. So, be careful!
2) when ours came apart I'm guessing some of the wires touched and shorted out the controller inside the machine. Another very expensive part. The whole process of fixing, chasing down the next problem, getting the parts and moving to the next step took about 2 weeks to figure out. Luckily, we were still under warranty at that point but that did not help with lost production time.

12/11/15       #8: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...
Peter Member

Thank you all for your help on this. Both PDub and John have been very helpful and have spent a lot of their time trying to help us out after going through the exact same problem. Your willingness to help has been amazing.

Unfortunately, it sounds like we have the exact same problem as Pdub and our controller is fried. We are 6 months out of warranty so it looks like we will have to pay to replace all these parts.

The design of this controller is terrible, to allow it to not only break itself but to fry the controller seems like there was no thought put into it at all. We manufacture lighting in addition to cabinetry and millwork and put more design and protection into our strain reliefs on a $90 pendant than the cheap plastic cord lock they put on this controller from SCM.

To address Pdubs point, we rarely ever move this piece. Our tech who set the machine up told us it was expensive so we leave it on the base 99% of the time.

Overall this has been a great machine for us. But to have to spend nearly $10,000 in replacement parts, in addition to the down time this causes. And unless SCM can somehow remedy the situation, I cannot recommend this CNC to anyone.

If this had been a cheap import CNC, this would not have been a surprise. We own 4 large SCM tools including a gang rip from the early 90s that is still running strong. We expected similar quality in this, but this has not met their previous standards.

In regards to their tech support, Johnathan at SCM has been a great help and I have no complaints there.

12/14/15       #9: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

I agree Peter. Ironically, in the background, the techs call this machine the "Practice" machine!
Jonathan and 2 other techs were very helpful to me too. I have no problem with the specific personnel at SCM tech help. My issue is with the SCM tech department in general.
When I purchased my machine I got it in writing that I had free tech support for the life of the machine. I didn't look closely, but the paper actually says "phone support". The last time I called in with an issue, I was notified that since my warranty recently expired, they could no longer use Team Viewer to look at my machine operating unless I paid the yearly tech support fee. I argued that I had free phone support for life. They then explained that I could call in and speak with a tech any time, but if they need to look into my machine with Team Viewer then I have to pay. This policy was implemented on 1/1/15 - about 6 months after I purchased the machine.
Bait and Switch!

12/14/15       #10: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...
Peter Member

As an update, I received the new controller and remote. The good news is that it is working order again, so we can continue on with production. However, I noticed something from a few people who responded to this same problem. They changed manufacturers from the old remote to the one they sent me. Along with some minor cosmetic issues, I noticed that all of the electronics and wiring are different inside and look "less" likely to rip out of the circuit board.

From speaking with a few people at SCM and on here, it seems like they have been aware of this problem for some time, and are just hoping their customers warranties run out before this happens. It is disappointing to see that this is how they treat their loyal customers. I have a call and messages in to some of their managers and really hope they will do something to remedy this issue. If not, I for one will not continue to purchase their tools, and will continue to spread this word about their CNC's. I wish I had known about it before we purchased ours.

12/15/15       #11: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

And I thought I was the only person with an axe to grind against SCM. The more I hear, the more I think they are selling lemons for the price of gold, and leave us stuck with serious issues, some of which seem to be unresolveable even for pay. The post processor issues (forum discussions abound), the lack of good diagnostics, the lack of thought in the features and work process, the inconsistant tech support. So many good features buried in the machine with no one to show us how to use them. The list goes on. See my postings on some of the forums on Woodweb. I think it's time we all rallied together and demanded the service, support and attention we deserve after putting our trust in one of the biggest global manufacturers. Let's face the truth: we are a GROUP of scm users facing the SAME problems. Let's start making some waves and getting the attention of the manufacturer in Italy. We should be demanding DIRECT support, and not be dependant on the competance of each locality, or lack thereof. I believe it all begins with the philosophy of the manufacturer, and they are ultimately responsible for product design, quality and function, and customer support alike. I am still waiting for answers from SCM NA and Italy to my very simple and standard operational questions in this post:
(Weeke has a simple checkbox for the same issue: check for yes, uncheck for no.)
Now I know that most programming issues are simple things like changing a zero to a 1, and then you feel dumb that you didn't work it out yourself, but that's not my job. And if I were to change things myself and cause damage, they would surely blame me for not consulting. Well, give me someone to consult with and I will!! Anybody else have anything to say about this subject, or is it just me?! What I would like to see is some conscientious SCM technicians (like Rob in said forum, who was quite helpful) and users getting on the forum, and really taking matters in their own hands, sharing knowledge, hearing feedback, consulting with their contacts in Italy, and stop playing this "you're out of my jurisdiction" game. Please please please help us out! If you want to hear a detailed list of programming and functional issues with the Pratix S, I will respond again. Forgive me for for being so sharp, I'm generaly a nice gentle person, I'm just in pain! Over to you guys...

12/17/15       #13: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

I'm not sure what you have in mind, or how good it will do, but it's not a bad idea. However, you might want to start a new thread about it. Most people won't see it in this one.

12/18/15       #14: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

Peter and group,
I am the service manager for SCM Group in North America and I wanted to take a moment to offer some insight and another perspective to the discussion taking place here. I’ll preface my comments by saying that I’m certainly not trying to minimize your concerns or your feeling that SCM Group is not supporting you to the level you expect. As a service manager, I am disappointed that you have had difficulties getting resolution to your past problems. My team goes to work every day with the goal of providing the best service possible to our customers and I think several of you have recognized that fact by complementing Jonathan on the assistance you have received from him.

Now to the issue at hand. With regard to Peter’s post, I hope we have helped you resolve your immediate issue and you’re back up and running; I’m told that you are. I’d like to address a couple of the main points brought out here so we can all be on even ground.
1) Product warranties cover manufacturing flaws or product defects. In this case, the wires were torn out of the control pendant somehow. The wire bundle is secured to the pendant device using a strain relief fitting. As Pdub states, the security of the strain relief fitting should be checked occasionally. My suspicion is that the strain relief fitting became loose and when a moderate amount of strain was placed on the wiring, the connections released from the solder points on the internal circuit board.
2) As with all manufacturers and their products, SCM continuously innovates and improves our products. That doesn’t mean that a product revision number changing is related to product defects. In fact, in the case of this pendant controller, the ‘product defect’ rates are well within the allowable limits set by our quality control team. We do have an internal system that tracks defects on a global level that our factory quality team monitors continuously.
3) Regarding Benjamin’s last post, please private message me regarding your experience, difficulty getting technical support and your receiving feedback that the tech was “out of your jurisdiction.” I want to take care of that behavior quickly. SCM Group is headquartered in Duluth, GA. Our technical support operation is administered from this office. If you have a concern or problem of any type, all you need to do is call us and we’ll help you over the phone if we can or take care of getting you the onsite help you need if it becomes necessary.

Our technical support number is below and we are here for you. Please call us at this number if there is anything we can do for you. As our customers, we appreciate your business and thank you for choosing SCM products. If for any reason, you feel like you aren’t getting the support you need, you can ask for the group leader for your specific product line or for me directly.

SCM Group NA: 866.216.2166
Technical Support: Option 1
Spare Parts: Option 2

12/21/15       #15: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

Thanks for your direct response to this Brent. As I said in a previous post, I have had great success with your department when I have needed them. All of the techs and Jonathan have been great.
While I agree a little with the previous post about the controller being light-duty, now that we are aware of that a little care should keep it fine into the future. That's simply part of the machine I bought, and at its price-point I don't really expect much more. I do however think that making the machine rely solely on that controller to function is not the smartest design. Again, that's the machine I purchased and it's certainly not your department's fault.
My only "issue" with your department (and this may have come from higher up) is the decision to start charging clients who were told they "have tech support for the life of their machine" to utilize any support other than a phone conversation. One of the big factors I considered when purchasing this, my first CNC, was tech support. The other major brand I was considering still has (to my knowledge) 24-7 tech support for the life of the machine. I accepted that yours was only during business hours in the eastern time zone when I made my purchase. However, now that I'm told policy has changed and I will have to pay for it, I feel a little duped.

1/31/16       #16: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

Hi Brent,
I just saw your message now, for which I thank you very much. I will indeed take you up on the offer in the near future and call to explain my experience with both my vendor and SCM over the last 2 years, and where I could use some help now. I am sure that with open communication and sharing of knowledge between localities, a lot of problems will be easily solved.
Just for the record, one of my questions that I first posed to the service department on September 17th 2015, was finally answered by SCM Italy last week. It took the techi all of ten minutes on Teamviewer to solve my problem, but the 50+ emails and multiple reminders from me over a 5 month period were not fun. In the end, it did work out however. OK, we'll be in touch in due course. Thanks in advance once again.

7/30/17       #19: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

a voice from the past...Hi everyone.
The inevitable happened today and the HMI console fell off its cradle. Now I get a white screen and Windows doesn't load. Everything inside looks ok, all wires connected etc. Any clues please?

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11/6/23       #23: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...
George Reiche


I have this handheld for my SCM N100 and it sometimes goes to a typical desktop screen, and I lose typical controls. Has anyone had this issue? I have tried redownloading software that SCM assisted me with no luck. I would love to avoid buying a new one...

12/8/23       #24: Need Help with 2014 SCM Pratix S15 ...

Ours is starting to crap out again. Already replaced the screen once. These handheld units are garbage.
Anyone replace theirs lately and know what they are running cost-wise?
George, just seeing your post. On the
"windows screen" there is a "file" button in the upper left. Press that (with a stylus, it's small and hard to hit) and then hit Exit. You should be at the usual screen.

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