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New CNC router

Bryan Kruschke Member


Hey everyone! First post!

I'm curious to know thoughts or experiences on the Holzher 7505 or Morbidelli N10

We currently have the Cosmec conquest 250

Thanks in advance

2/11/19       #2: New CNC router ...

We have had the Morbidelli N100 for about 7 months and it has been great. The auto lube leaked and they sent us a new one. Now it is leaking very little. It doesn't cause any problems though and didn't cause any down time other than the 10 minutes to replace it. Other than that we haven't had any problems and I would buy it again.

We also got the push off table which is amazing and I would not buy it without.

2/11/19       #3: New CNC router ...
Chad Thelen

I cant comment on the specific new models you listed but I came from a Holz Her Cosmec Conquest 510. I want to share with you a piece of my experience and I would be very interested in yours. We installed our Cosmec in 2001 and were one of the first in our area with CNC. The Cosmec performed exceptionally well for our shops needs. As you are aware with the infrastructure that makes up this piece of equipment over time it started showing its "character" more and more. My experience with service from this manufacturer (yes on this now 18 year old machine**) has been under what I expect as a minimum, and that's been the case from day one.
2 years ago we started planning for a replacement for the Cosmec. I ranked service at the top of my priorities as we like to get our use/years/life out of a piece of equipment before replacing. I contacted Holz Her and was ashamed at how new buyers are tallied and how difficult it is to get information, hands on, site visits from representatives etc. It left me with a terrible taste of the Holz Her brand. (Holz Her sold Cosmec early on, Im not sure if you were aware) I looked at all the big boys. In fall of 2018 I took delivery of my Biesse Rover A 5x10. I was able to go to the manufacturer in the US for free, I had multiple site visits from reps and offers for process/logistic as well as assistance with selling my current CNC. But above all else, now that I am up and running. Withing minutes typically, I get a call back and live remote assistance with issues or as simple as silly questions. Belive me, I have plenty of "what does this button do level questions" and this service team exceeds what I would expect out of them every time. I encourage you to visit the US headquarters of any manufacturer you are interested in.

A lot comes down to information and knowledge. You may simply not know what you don't know. I had a great local Biesse rep, of course a salesmen for equipment also but the actual Biesse rep was tremendously helpful as he had resources available that I would never have access to.

Overall my experience with the green has been phenomenal. Their Bsolid software (which was another on site product specific training) is awesome, the way it integrates with CV is awesome, the precision of the machine and cycle time engineering is awesome. I am a very happy camper. Please reach out if there is anything I can help you with. I still have resources if your looking to move the Cosmec.
Chad Thelen
Thelen Cabinet Company
Farmington, MN

2/11/19       #4: New CNC router ...
Chad Thelen

We also went with a sweep/pushoff table. I would agree with Ryan that it was a game changer for us. If you have the ability to batch jobs or improve process, this is a huge benefit for seemingly a small price tag.

2/11/19       #5: New CNC router ...
Bryan Kruschke Member


Thanks for all the quick responses!

The cosmec has been mostly good to us. A few minor things throughout the years. My main complaint would also be the lack of support. Not to mention the virtual PC we need to make windows so compatible.

I'd definitely like to check some more into the machines. Thanks for the input of the unloaders or pusher. We will be spending the extra little bit on it. What about the auto loader? Thoughts?

I like the Holzher 7505, but the 5 axis of the 7535 has me intrigued as well.

2/11/19       #6: New CNC router ...
Chad Thelen

The virtual pc! Your giving me PTSD reminding me of all that!

I cant believe it was just 7 months ago we cut our last job on the Cosmec.

Loader: Mainly our work hours/wk are not justifying a loader. We are not huge volume or panel count/wk. There are industy stats on typical shifts/sheets/hours per week that the manufacturers can provide for you. If you are in a tier that calls for that, you are in for some exponential cycle time benefits. Otherwise a vacuum lift is like 15k? I found a poor mans way to manual load that is as fast as a lift, but I happened to have the space near machine to cantilever rack material all over.

If your going to go auto loader, it would be difficult to stomach NOT going with the sticker putter onner also***

2/11/19       #7: New CNC router ...

I don't see how the autoloader is that great unless you have a auto label. We never had a forklift but we bought a used one a week before the CNC came in. We have pallet racks with our plywood close to the machine and the forklift picks it up and is parked right beside the CNC. It is easy to slide a sheet off of the forklift and onto the CNC. The push off table saves tons of time because it cleans the table and once you load the next sheet is when you sort the parts.

2/12/19       #8: New CNC router ...

Yes, that 7535 looks really nice. We have a promaster 7225, mainly for stair parts. We unfortunately have had the same issues as everyone else- customer service. It has taken us almost 2 years to get running full swing 5 axis, but we jumped in both feet with no previous knowledge. It was sometimes frustrating, but finally paying off. Our machine seems to be very good, only one thing I would change would be an upgraded vacuum pump, as I sometimes have holding issues with open grained wood and aggressive cutting.

2/16/19       #9: New CNC router ...
yaakov katz

is yours scm it still use the hand remote like the previus scm?
i so many years in cnc saw so many machines ,and i think i create pp for any kinds of cnc ,but so bad sysytem like scm biuld ,i never saw

2/18/19       #10: New CNC router ...

Our SCM has the handheld remote but it doesn't do much. 98% of everything is done on the computer.

2/19/19       #11: New CNC router ...

you know the G43 H... command?
its give you the basic option to use the tool length compensation that locate on the cnc controller
only cnc in world not suport that important command its SCM hand remote type
its mean ,if you create iso file today ,but tomarow someone change the tool ,you cant use yours iso file(unbelievable)
but this only part one
what about all convert cycle?
xxl =>pgm =>iso=>mix

2/20/19       #12: New CNC router ...

The handheld does almost nothing now. All of their CNCs come with a computer running a full version of windows. The only thing we ever use it for is an extra emergency stop and you can raise and lower the dust hood. There is really no reason that they need to even provide it anymore. They have removed almost everything from it.

2/22/19       #13: New CNC router ...
Wood Chopper Member

I too bought a Biesse machine and I am impressed at the service. They put a lot of effort in helping customers keep machine up and running. They offer a 5 year parts warranty which tells me they have faith in their machine. Free teamviewer support too. That is a big plus.

I don't like the idea of sending American money to Italy..... but that is what I did.

I got a edgebander, by the way.

2/24/19       #14: New CNC router ...

Don't know if this helps any , asit's a pod and rail machine, but I was just looking at resell cnc and this popped up for $125,000

2/24/19       #15: New CNC router ...

Sorry about the sloppy message above, It's a 5 axis Holzher, the same one I run at work, VERY capable machine, comes with HOPS, Campus, and Cabinet control.

2/26/19       #16: New CNC router ...
Steven Elias Member

We also purchased a Biesse 2 years ago. Running a Rover S 5x12.
Very happy with it, no issues at all. Being in Manitoba Canada we still call to Atlanta and have the same great service that everyone else is mentioning. Typical wait time is 1 hour or less for a call back, and in some cases i've used their after hours support with good results. None of the calls have ever been the result of a machine issue, always been a "how do i do...." type of thing. The Biesse rep for my area comes around at least 3 times a year... he knows we are going to replace an edgebander in the next few years LOL

4/30/19       #17: New CNC router ...

N100 vs 7505 is simple.
N100 is a single drive grantry CNC has only a guide bearing on the front no drive system
7505 is dual synchronous drive
synchronous drive is more accurate, square, faster than a single drive unit.
Go with the 7505

5/22/20       #18: New CNC router ...
paul grubb

Do any of you have a sorce for replacement parts for the cosmec? I know holzer has pretty much stopped providing any assistance with these machines.
thank you

7/27/24       #19: New CNC router ...
Iain collinson

My scm has died and I'm looking at a holzer. They are well regarded in the UK

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