I'm cutting parts for another shop and I've run across something I've never seen before. It's the first time I've cut Rangerboard, which I understand has a pretty good rep as far as MDF goes. It's been mostly Plum Creek in the past, but I don't cut MDF often. The Rangerboard sheets are about 1/8 out of square coming from the plant, but I don't know if that's significant. Cabinet parts are cut and seem fine initially, but over the next few days, I get a callback that some appear to grow or shrink or parallelogram by up to 1/16 over 48". These parts are good sized, some 24" x 60", far too big to be shifting on the table during processing. I skin cut down to .040, then a final pass to help clean the kerf. Cut quality is good, tool is new, and parts check ok coming off the router. When talking to the other shop's sawyer, he mentioned that when cutting this material on their slider, he'd have to oversize parts in order to deal with the apparent tension within the sheet, with long rips banana-ing on him. So my thought is, if this tension is prebuilt into these sheets, where does it go when cutting on a router? Anyone else experienced this?