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Routing Steel on a router

Thomas M Diel  Member


Sorry for the upcoming rants, it's been a trying week. Hope to make you chuckle.

It's been 12yrs since I programmed and ran a CNC router; but has anything changed in this time frame that any of you guys would route steel on your money maker?
I'm a one-man band loosely associated with a group of independent guys we call the 'usual suspect's' a good group that help each other out when needed, moving equipment, rarely lone each other an esoteric tool, etc. Well, we have and infiltrator in our midst, who has asked 3 times for me to run some parts for him on my old ragged out Bridge Port - well I gave in. I had warned him it's a 1966 well used machine w .040" backlash w/o a DRO gibbs maxed out and I'm fine with it. I have gone from .003" CNC tolerances' in my CNC past to can't see it from my house +/- a black hair w/ the BP. When this guy got to the shop first thing I did was hand him w/ my fixed cost spread sheet and went over with him line by line that is $15.71/hr for me to open the doors then lead him down the sheet to the labor and variable cost & said this is you last friends and family discount - your on the full dole going forward. The set up he wanted to do did not work with my ways too worn in the middle over his 36" travel length and threw in the towel. He asked how can we fix it? I said take your parts to a surface grinding shop or someone who has a Blanchard Grinder, I'm done!
Get this, as we are tearing the set-up down he tells me he's wanting to route steel on his CNC he's building - he's seen a couple guys... He tells me his specs - 3hp air cooled ... & I'm like you won't be running 1/2"dia full pass bits with it in wood let alone. I'm passed pleasantries and said people jump of the San Francisco bridge to but I wouldn't do it. I replied to the best of my knowledge you could run steel at 1,000rpm w an 1/8"bit, but then you also have clamping forces to deal with and anything larger will produce so much heat & it will transfer up into you spindle & fry your bearings. He kept going - to my reply "stupid is a stupid does". It took 2hrs to boot the guy and as he's leaving "Since we couldn't run any parts today do I still a friends and family raincheck" Aurgh NO!!!!!!! I guarantee he'll reappear!

Only, this was the second time black hole this week! I kicked an interior design group to the curb, but that's more of a metal related story; so if your on Instagram and want to go further down my time suck rabbit hole go to IG ThomasMDiel A couple of the 'usual suspect's' consoled me w lunch yesterday and one suggested I need a PR firm as I'm sounding crotchety on social media, my reply I need a gate keeper!

Bless your hearts

10/15/23       #2: Routing Steel on a router ...
Robb Parker  Member


Welcome to my world! At 70, it's difficult not to be insulting. They always know better than I.

10/15/23       #3: Routing Steel on a router ...

Good answer Robb. I retired from a dream corporate woodworking job much earlier than I planned. The reason was the idiotic demands of fresh college engineers. When I first hired into that company, they put a premium on farm boys since they knew how to troubleshoot and make a decision on the go. The new engineers had no experience on what tolerances really are and it was not uncommon to get 3 decimal point dimensions for wood parts. Now almost 10 years into retirement, my favorite comment is "I accidentally did this or that!" They can't say the word mistake. A group of people who were ruined with participation trophies in their youth.

10/15/23       #4: Routing Steel on a router ...
Thomas M Diel  Member

Yah, although this guy is a retired Lockheed line worker (most of their engineers & execs are my best clients) but he always greets me with "hey young man", I'm 57 and surprisingly have never needed his help - not once. One of the 'usual suspects' that took me to lunch runs his own Multicam router, laser cutter and multiple fun high tech money makers and has refused his request multiple times to run steel.
On the other hand the 20-30(ish) son of the interior designer - excuse me Business Development Manager who I have now exchanged 17 texts back n forth over a 8-day period. First time I have ever text my quote, terms, warrantee & request for sales cert. The last one from me & second request: "Hope you understand it's business & you still have my work product (the bend sample) that you have not paid for and I wood like it returned. I would be happy to go over the other two design flaws upon receipt of deposit and sales cert. Further communications should be thru email @ _____ TD - all this for 12qty brass brackets - $1,200.00 order and he's concerned I can deliver to his expectations!
Have a nice day 2qty overlapping Melvins during the same day (no offense if your name is Melvin)
10/15/23       #5: Routing Steel on a router ...
Thomas M Diel  Member

I'm sorry for the rants and multiple, multiple, typos. I'm a few years B4 they started testing for dyslexia and can read everything over1,000 times and it makes sense in my head, wish I could blame it on drinking, or something, but not at the time of postings (mostly anger). After re-reading well, I am flawed, very flawed, but stand by my convictions. I hope someday to have your wisdom ( and ability to transpose what I am thinking). TD

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