Cyclone missing parts.
We just picked this Hammond cyclone up at an auction but are now realizing that perhaps it is missing some parts. Pictured are the actual cyclone we purchased and then what one looks like in a shop. Can't find anything on the internet in terms of a Hammond website or such. If we need to add the exhaust 'plenum' with the dust filtration bags are components such as this available to purchase from aftermarket suppliers? Also, if we were to put this cyclone outside (under cover), I presume that we wouldn't need the same level of filtration but would still need something to catch the fine dust?
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8/28/24 #3: Cyclone missing parts. ...
check out oneida air systems.
9/3/24 #4: Cyclone missing parts. ...
Completing this system won't be that difficult to do. I don't know what the rectangular box is between the cyclone and the filter bag section but I see no reason not to just blow directly into filter bags.
You can build a plywood or metal filter bag head and purchase the bags from American Filter Fabric. They are very helpful and would likely assist a bit in the design of a header box that would be a good match to their custom bags.......which by the way........are the best you can get !!!
BH Davis
9/3/24 #5: Cyclone missing parts. ...
Thank you both for the input.
9/4/24 #6: Cyclone missing parts. ...
I think the box between the cyclone and filters is a muffler.