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Message Thread:

Automotive finish on wood



Several years ago a customer wanted me to shoot a PPG automotive product on some of his bright work on a ChrisCraft. I did not want to do the job our of fear. Was worried about automotive finish on such a beautiful and expensive boat. I did do the job. Today, I received a call from this customer and he stated that the finish still looks as good as the day the finish was applied. (that was a relief to me)
This now, begs the question: Can you use automotive finishes on wood? I have shot a lot of PPG and other brands since the 70's, always believing automotive products were for autos and wood products were for wood. I have talked with a couple of people who use automotive finishes on their "high end" projects.
Is there really that much of a difference or can you "cross the line" and shoot auto finish on a kitchen cabinet or a Chris Craft?
Sorry for the long post.

8/30/21       #2: Automotive finish on wood ...
Thomas77 Member

Most likely on mdf painted or veneered more stable than wood.

8/30/21       #3: Automotive finish on wood ...
Chemmy  Member

Yes. Thomas you can, but it is better if you use a 2K that is or was developed for wood.!
Most all woods contract or expand more than metal does and usually at lower temps.
A well formulated 2K made an intended for use over wood has already addressed those problematic possibilities, and as long as it is used alone and not in conjunction with any other finish underneath it, it will last and perform very well, epoxy is something I would not apply it over unless it was a pigmented epoxy, you don't want to be liable for anything that happens to the epoxy.! Been their done that.!

8/31/21       #4: Automotive finish on wood ...

Yes, you can do that. You're assuming any risk of incompatibility with colorants/stains but I've known a great number of people that do this, including a few manufacturers that do interior wood pieces just using the usual clearcoat they spray on the car. Saves them from having yet another product laying around to learn about.

However I'm not sure you're benefitting anything by doing it unless you have many gallons of leftover automotive stuff you're wanting to use up. I know my own cousin decided to refinish some of his mother-in-law's kitchen with his own leftover automotive paint. He had enough paint to do the cabinets around the sink, and other than the glossy sheen they look like all the other ones he sprayed with Deft lacquer, except that 10 years later they still look good but the Deft lacquer has peeled some.

Compare the cost and support base of spraying a 2K poly designed specifically for wood, over against the typically higher cost and lack of support base for spraying automotive urethane on wood.

For those who say the automotive finish won't be flexible enough to withstand wood movement, I don't think that's really a problem. Go flex any cheapass plastic bumper on anything under 5 years old, they usually bounce right back, no problem. After a few years the UV has it's effect making it brittle but an interior cabinet won't really ever have that problem.

8/31/21       #5: Automotive finish on wood ...

Matt, thanks for the response. I am thinking about this the same way you are. The reason for even thinking about using automotive paints is the availability of the product here in east TN. We have very limited supply chain here. Finishing products ordered are expensive due to the cost of shipping. It seems that most finish companies want to add a hazmat fee a handling fee and a shipping fee. We have a paint store close to our shop that sells PPG products. Their price is considerably less expensive as there is no hazmat fee, handling fee or shipping fee. I call them and they deliver within 24 hours...usually the same day. I am just pondering the idea of shooting the PPG products strictly because of location and price.
I have enjoyed the wealth of information I have learned from this site over the many years. Thank you WoodWeb

9/1/21       #6: Automotive finish on wood ...

PPG in my area has the ability to sell Axalta conversion varnish, which is a decent product. It's not my go-to finish but I've tested several and the results were acceptable. See if your PPG will carry it.

I cannot imagine conversion varnish costing more per gallon than nearly any automotive urethane, and certainly not more in hazmat/shipping.

9/1/21       #7: Automotive finish on wood ...

Matt, you are correct. Automotive is more expensive, however we have to order all our wood finish product because there is not a local distributor in Knoxville for the three brands that I would prefer. Shipping on most 2k products includes a staggering hazmat, handling and shipping fee. PPG automotive distributor is close to our shop and does not have any added charges. This makes it right in line and a little cheaper (in some cases) than wood finishing products.

9/1/21       #8: Automotive finish on wood ...
Chemmy  Member

Couldn't agree more with you Thomas, last time I ordered Delta products about 40 gallons all together in 5's, the cost of the materials was about six hundred, and the shipping cost were $ 238.00...
I decided to not do it.!! And used local products from S.W.'s instead, not they are anywhere as good, but for this case acceptable.
I decided that if the need was really non negotiable, only then would I order it or if necessary drive Knoxville to palm Beach and transport it my self, which I have done a few times.!!
To me , its worth the risk when needed.!
Besides I pack it more carefully than ups or fed ex or delta does -------- and that's a shame.!!

9/2/21       #9: Automotive finish on wood ...
Kevin Dunphy


Had the exact same problem made a board room table used water based clear that was made for polishing any way the product peeled. So I used automotive 2k beautiful product but expensive .

Any way I have have local supplier that started bring in my products [ from there main warehouse] at no extra fees.

I use Campbells 2 k I give 2 weeks notice and I use the pump its a must for health .I would call Campbell tell them your problem I'm sure they would make sure you get it .Car clear coat is expensive . Campbell's is half the price of car 2k

9/3/21       #10: Automotive finish on wood ...

I'm a boat guy.

Back in the day 1980-2000?
They would spray boats with Awlgrip(2k polyester/urethane) or they would use Imron polyurethane.

Awlgrip is about the toughest coating you can find. Plus a gloss level you can read a newpaper. It is very expensive.

Imron was offered as a lower cost option to Awlgrip. Imron is 2K car paint. You can buy it at NAPA.

"The finish isn't flexible enough for wood" is bs. They use straight polyester which is very brittle.

On our 35' race boat we tried using Imron clear coat on the teak toe rail up in the bow. It takes a fair amount of abuse. The finish looked good enough at the end of the season that we kept using it.

Clear Imron doesn't having any UV protectant so some woods can age.

9/6/21       #11: Automotive finish on wood ...

Thanks for all the responses. I remember in the late 70's and early 80's using Imron and Deltron. You could wad up the paper used for masking off areas and it would not crack the paints. I really do appreciate all the wisdom and good advice given on Woodweb over the years. Thank you to all who have been here when "strangers" needed help. I hope Woodweb never closes this forum. Thank you Woodweb.


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