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Refurbishing distressed walnut

MichaelH Member


We are doing total refinishing on an obscenely large tech home. All the exterior doors and windows are distressed southern black walnut. Nothing out of the ordinary for tech homes built in the 1980's. Strip, sand, oxalic acid, final sand, base stain, two coats of sprayed on isocyanate exterior acrylic urethane, glaze and final finish. No issues here. Providing we finish with in 5 months. The issue is that the interior of the home is also done in distressed southern black walnut: Floors, wainscotting, doors, windows, cabinetry, baseboards, crown molding and ceiling beams. All the interior woodwork is in some form of fading or wear. It looks like the wood was originally finished in a colored , hand applied wax. Being a professional finisher, my normal approach would be to strip and refinish. That is not going to happen on this job. Too costly, too messy and it would take years! I have never worked with any of the "New" one coat, wipe on wipe off miracle wood finishes. But my spray equipment, brush or french polish are getting any where near this project. Looking for suggestions are to a "Wipe on, wipe off" process that will put color back in and offer protection? Thank you gentleman, and ladies.

12/31/24       #2: Refurbishing distressed walnut ...

??...I would need a hell of a lot more info on this job to be able to offer any advise..!! Good clear photos showing the areas that are original and not worn, vs, areas that are badly worn.!
If the wood was finished with colored wax, then it makes sense to do the same... I use to make and sell a line of hard colored waxes to the Conservationist, to help replicate the original centuries old furniture that needed such. Wether it would be useful here, I have no idea without seeing the wood color and applied wax color over it.!!
Without this info, I have nothing else to say..

12/31/24       #3: Refurbishing distressed walnut ...
Michael Horrillo


Hey Chimmy,
I assumed you and George Franks were both in heaven refinishing for The Big Guy!. Hard business to give up on, although I am trying. Didn't you have a book coming out? I re-inspected this walnut job this morning. The Macmanion was built in 2000. The interior was most likely shot with Post Cat or C.V. Everything on an outside walls is all faded to hell. My original thought was that a hardwax was used, but naptha does not remove anything, so colored wax is out. I think my only hope is to clean, reglaze and brush on a single component exterior urethane. I really hate brushing, but like I said, we will not be able to spray in the home. Did you once belong to Groop?

12/31/24       #4: Refurbishing distressed walnut ...

Hi Michael, lol, No, although I knew George, he even came to my business in Pompano beach FL. and do miss him, I, for some reason , continue to be here, at least in body and spirit.!!
As to my book, which I had hoped to publish through Amazon, that went south when I was told that I had pictures, lots of them, that since I did not take them myself was opened to being a copyright risk and as well as the amount they wanted per copy was about two thirds of what the cost of the book would have been.! So knowing there was only about 25,000 finishers/ refinishers/ and restorer's in the states, it would not have been profitable enough to to remove the pics and basically change all the information around to make it worthwhile.! The book was named the formulary, and had lots of info and pigment, chemical, dye formulations, but I ended up giving all that to my Son, if at some point he wants to redo it, that's up to him.! I just got tired of all the BS, surrounding the publishing industry.!
As to your present problem, thanks for the update.! Sounds like you have a plan, and I'm sure you will make test samples, before you move forward on the entirety.!! Especially in the realm of maximum adhesion to the existing surface, which if I may, would recommend applying the clear coat you plan on using, over the existing surface coating, before moving on to any glazing operations, just so you'll know, if there is a failure, it would not be what your applying over the old finish, but an adhesion problem with or between your clear coat and the existing coating.! I hate to see anyone go through a ton of labor, just to have it fail in a short period of time, even several years later.! And I'm also sure you will spell out any and all warranties that will apply to what responsibilities you are liable or not liable for to protect yourself as much as possible..."correct"..???
Anyway, here is to your continued sucess, in the never ending art of wood decoration and finishing, may your life be long and happy,

1/2/25       #5: Refurbishing distressed walnut ...
Michael Horrillo


When looking for buyers to that the business forward, I describe the business as " The most obsolete business in the world, with unlimited potential" Formulas, hazmat and secret concoction aside, we are conservationists of history, limited resources and saviours of the environment. Thank you for the advise, I hope you and your exit strategy are doing well.

1/3/25       #6: Refurbishing distressed walnut ...
Will Williamson  Member


Chemmy, Did you ever think of approaching, the Taunton Press, publishers of Fine Woodworking Magazine with your book? And Many other Books along this line

1/8/25       #7: Refurbishing distressed walnut ...
CFSExplorer Member

Your project sounds impressive! For a wipe-on, wipe-off solution, consider Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C or Osmo Polyx-Oil Tints—both add color and protection in one easy coat while preserving the natural look.

1/10/25       #8: Refurbishing distressed walnut ...

Taunton Press was bought by Active Interest Media and is not doing much in specialty publications now.

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