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Inspecting lumber that will not cut straight


I have been in this business for 28 years and have spent the past 22 being self employed…..

Even with that, I pose this interesting question …

Is there a way to look at a board and be able to tell it is not going to end up leaving a straight cut on the off cut?

Let me clarify… After I have a straight edge on a board after i run it through my jointer, can someone explain why after the first cut, especially when a piece becomes narrower, it doesn’t stay straight and I have to run it through my jointer again, unless it’s too small in width to run it through.

This happens even one for are say 5 inches wide.

I buy my boards from well known suppliers and often times, need to buy it from places open to the public, so I can pick my boards, so…..

Is there a way to tell from just looking at a board if im going or not need to rejoint the off cut, unless I want to?

In case you’re wondering, I use a Powermatic 66 and a PM 6” long bed jointer

Note- i use my aluminum straight edge to verify the jointer has made a “perfect” straight edge, before i run it through my table saw

10/12/22       #2: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...
Thomas Gardiner

Short answer is yes and no. There are some clues you can look for to tell you when a board will have internal stresses that will bow the cut. Differential ring spacing on one side to the other when looking at the end grain (compression wood from a leaning tree), evidence of a large knot nearby one side, how bowed the rough board was before jointing are some I can think of.
However most boards will bow somewhat after ripping because wood has stresses that are relieved when cutting. A better practice is to break out rough boards first then joint and plane to dimension. I only joint first if the board is way to bowed to run safely through the saw. Most of the time I use the sliding table to square up and then rip oversized

10/12/22       #3: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...

Do you let your stock acclimate a little after bringing it into the shop? Do your suppliers store the stock in climate controlled conditions? Do you check moisture levels on every board? Not every board out of a kiln charge will be equal.

10/14/22       #4: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...
Dave Sochar Member

You are getting slightly stressed lumber. So are the retail shops you buy from.
No, you cannot reliably tell when a board is stressed just by looking at it.
If you have a 5" wide rough board with a 3/4" bow in length on each edge, you can joint that 3/4" out with a few fast passes at 1/8" to 1/4" and have a straight edge. Unbeknownst to you, each time you take off 1/4" or whatever off of an edge, the board (the internal stress) will move just a little as the board adjusts to its new stresses. Do it again, and it moves again.
Decide to live with it, and rip to width, and as the tension that is in that edging comes away, the whole tension structure of the board changes - and you lose your straight edge. Or maybe, you get it back - an example of one form of tension balancing another tensioned edge.

No matter - you need a new vendor. Make up a few casehardening test samples (see attached) from his/her lumber so they can understand what you are talking about. You would be surprised how many lumber sales people have no idea what all theses terms mean.

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10/14/22       #5: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...
Dave Sochar Member

(Missed the edit time limit)
Let's look at a positive example - a 2" th x 11" wide board of White Oak, flatsawn, with one edge jointed straight. You need to get a 5" wide rip, a 3-1/2" rip, and a 1-1/2" rip. Close, eh? You begin to worry. You start to sweat.

However, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to think that board will bow like Chiquita's finest as you make your cuts. If it is dried properly and has no growing stress (growing stress is rare). Drying stress is far more common than growing stress.

Kick the saw on, and get your widest rip first, and watch how the blade tracks and the board slides along the fence, and then at the end of the rip, you realize how sweet it is, when it all comes together.

If the casehardening samples prove drying defect, cut your lumber people loose fast and hard. Give them no slack. If they promise they can get you the correct lumber, then why did they wait for you to wise up? If they didn't dry (misdry) the lumber, how do they control their vendor's kilns? How much did all this cost you?

10/16/22       #6: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...
door shop guy

Pay might one day see why some boards move more than others.

11/6/22       #7: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...

I would never assume that you can straighten an edge on a board, rip it leaving two substantial pieces. You might get away with ripping a 6" into a 5" & 1". Or not. If you go more than 1" you will unstraighten that board.

I always rough rip minimum 1/4" oversize, joint, rip. You've wasted 3/8"(kerf plus 1/4") , yet you've guaranteed you will get straighten material. I see it as simply a necessary waste factor.

I wish I could predict which one will bind. FAS Mah was always a pain that regard.

The basic explanation is wood is a very asymmetric material. As you cut it, the grain becomes unbalanced. If you made fake wood out of fibreglass & epoxy it would do the same thing. The twisted, assymetric fibre samples would move after you cut them. Your symmetric fibre samples would remain straighter.

In my opinion almost all wood moves to some degree. Poor drying only makes it worse. The grain tension direction is the fundamental cause.

11/10/22       #8: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...
Dave Sochar Member

I disagree with Adam - unusual, if it the Adam I'm thinking of.

Properly dried lumber, not grown under stress (large tree fell on top of it), top grade and stored correctly will not always move after it is cut.
After a lifetime of cutting Mahogany, teak, White Pine and White Oak, I have seen maybe one board in 50 move a bit after ripping. Less than 1/16" in 12' length.
The thinner the stock, the more likely to bow. Thicker stock comes from larger trees, which may have something to do with it.

4/2/23       #9: Inspecting lumber that will not cut ...
Tony Member

You can't predict movement when ripping, other than predict some is more likely than none. If working with lumber already thickness planed by a retailer, chances are it was not done properly, and the boards may be bowed along the length, which can add to the movement when ripping. Best to work with rough sawn boards and rough rip slightly wide first, let acclimate overnight, then mill the pieces. I do all my ripping on the band saw; it doesn't lessen stress movement but is safer and can't result in a kick-back. Check out my article in current Fine Woodworking Magazine #302 page 42.

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