I agree with Gene... I think the tooth pitch must be too dense and the dust isn't clearing out of the gullet of the teeth. This causes build up of heat, and premature dulling. When you tried a more open tooth pitch, the problem cleared up, but you lost your ability to bookmatch at your preferred thickness. The solution to that is to start with thicker stock, but that's probably not practical either.
I do not think you will get any benefit at all from increasing your HP. I think you'll get the opposite. You'll dull the blades more quickly.
The mister did cut down on heat build up, but you are still going to get it if you can't clear the dust from the gullet. Air should sufficient to cool a bandsaw blade cutting wood.
You might want to try directing a high pressure stream of air, perpendicular to the saw blade as it leaves the cut, to help blow it out of the gullet. Also if you run the blade at slower speed, it may allow more dust to be removed in the turns.
The best option, however, is to switch to a wider tooth pitch, and pay special attention to the set or swage on the teeth, so that you can still get your bookmatch pieces. Invest in a good setter and learn to do it yourself, or find a good local service that will do it for you.
Best of Luck