Cutting veneer
I have been looking for a good method to cut veneer , I watched some videos on using a track saw. The blade that was used was a negative rake blade and I can no longer find one in my area, maybe someone can recommend where I can order one on line?
The other method I have seen is using a sliding table saw, I was wondering what kind of blade is recommended for this? I imagine you use the scoring blade and just use a piece of plywood to keep the veneer squeezed down.
If any one is using these methods or something else, please let me know. Thanks
1/24/21 #2: Cutting veneer ...
I cut veneer with a sliding table saw. I use a ATB fine cross cut blade. It may not be the ideal blade but it works for me. Play around with the blade height to reduce tearout.
I made a zero clearance plywood sub table that keys into the T-slot on the sliding table that supports the veneer sheets. I hold down the veneer bundle with a wood bar pressing down with only hand pressure near the cut line. It is easy to cut accurate widths by lining up the cut line to the sub top. Some veneers cut more cleanly than others. Curly cherry and oak tends to tear out so I may leave an allowance for a pass on my jointer (the bundle is squeezed between plywood strips.) You can also use a sacrificial sheet of veneer on the bottom of the bundle.
1/24/21 #3: Cutting veneer ...
I never cut just the veneer as a bare pack. I always build a sandwich with top and bottom scrap sheet goods, and cut through everything in one pass.
1/24/21 #4: Cutting veneer ...
I use a 8' long TS sled using 1/2" plywood, with runners in both slots in the table. Over the years the slot has gotten sloppy, so I add a 1/4" mdf for zero clearance each time.
I also use a 3/4" mdf scrap on top of the 1" thick pack, then weights on top of that to flatten any lumps or buckling in the veneers. If you don't have the pack flat, then you won't have a straight edge on the leaves when they get flattened by the press. I use the highest atb tooth count I can get for the saw. I don't cut all the way through the top platen since some of my weights are granite blocks, and some are steel.
2/15/21 #5: Cutting veneer ...
I use a negative hook TCG blade (plastic/melamine) which keeps the teeth more vertical as they go through the stack. I really don't get why someone would use an ATB blade for ripping a veneer stack, I get much better seams using a TCG.
I also sandwich the veneer to cut it. I use 1/4" MDF top and bottom. I (clamp and) glue the face of the stack ends to keep everything aligned and tight at the ends. I walk (hand over hand) the stack through the saw while maintaining downward pressure next to the blade... Wish I had an example of a bigger and more unruly stack.
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