Confusing Lumber Term: "Sap and Better?"
Experts and wood buyers and sellers discuss the meaning of some obscure lumber grading terms — such as "Sap/BTR" for white-wood Maple. April 20, 2011

Lumber Tally: Rough Versus Milled
When you buy dressed lumber, the quantity is tallied based on the rough board footage, before milling. The "rip-off" percentage can sometimes confuse the buyer. September 27, 2012

Framing Lumber for Planting Boxes
A discussion of treated wood, naturally rot-resistant lumber, outdoor exposures, and pests. April 14, 2010

Mahogany Versus Sapele for an Outdoor Structure
A long discussion about different flavors of Mahogany, their sources and qualities, and how they compare with Sapele for durability and quality. March 26, 2010

What is heart pine?
History and how heart pine is defined today. October 30, 2003

Calculating moisture content
Using a hygrometer and calculator to determine the MC of kiln samples. September 2, 2002

-What is a Board Foot?
Explanation and glossary of lumber terms by Professor Eugene Wengert. May 2, 2001

Fortune Teller: Making More Money in the Wood Industry
Wood Doctor Gene Wengert makes some educated guesses about the near future in the wood products industry, and offers some advice about how wood-based businesses can profit from change. April 15, 2013

Cambium miner's effect on lumber grade
Gene Wengert on cambium miners, what they do, and whether the result affects lumber grade. 1998.

Hardwood Supply and Quality
The U.S. has large and growing stocks of high-quality hardwood timber, and a limitless supply of ungraded rhetoric. August 8, 2006

Converting Board Foot Pricing to Lineal Foot Pricing
Let's run through the arithmetic one more time. April 20, 2006

Kiln drying for higher profit
Expanding a molding business to include kiln drying poplar. November 18, 2002

Log scale and overrun
Different types of scales, formulas and methods of figuring overrun. January 28, 2002

Cutting "shake" out of logs
What is shake, why does it occur, and how can it be removed? April 29, 2003

Estimating board footage
Most accurate and most accepted methods of figuring BF for lumber. December 17, 2002

Plywood Cupping and Moisture Content
Check panel moisture content when you receive it, advises the Wood Doctor. April 16, 2009

Quality of Cherry Lumber
Cabinetmakers discuss cherry quality, grading standards, and the market. August 17, 2006

Maximizing Lumber from a Log
Can quartersawing produce as much usable lumber as one company claims? January 29, 2004

Measuring Logs and Lumber
Lumber measurement - Professor Gene Wengert clears up questions regarding proper measurement techniques. May 28, 2001

Certified construction lumber
Laws governing the lumber used in building. December 17, 2002

Relating Lumber Grade Selection to End Use
Which grade you should buy depends on what you're making. If you're willing to trim, cut, and select, a lower grade may serve your needs well. February 19, 2013

Flatsawn to Quartersawn
Cutting both types of lumber. December 17, 2003

Constructing with poplar
Is poplar appropriate for building? February 6, 2002

and we do mean HARD. 1998.

Treated pine vs. cedar
The Wood Doctor offers his prognosis for outdoor projects using cedar and treated pine. 1998.

Square foot vs board foot
Defining the difference. October 2, 2001

Worm Holes in Mahogany
Worm holes aren't always considered as a defect in Mahogany, but they do leave you wondering whether the critters will come back. July 30, 2007

Slippery kiln-dried wood
What could make dried wood so slippery that it is difficult to machine? August 12, 2001

Valuing and pricing old lumber
Lumber pricing is like everything else: Whatever the market will bear.

Kiln dried: Better than air dried?
Why kiln-dried lumber is the best option for wood that will eventually 'live' indoors. 1998.

Woods for outdoor furniture
A manufacturer of outdoor furniture consults the Wood Doctor for help with choosing a species to replace beech. 1998.

When holly goes pathological
Only fungus and injury cause color change in normally white holly. 1998.

Relative densities of various birches
The Wood Doctor offers resources for information on the relative densities of birch lumbers, and offers an opinion on plastic laminate. 1998.

MC in imported mahogany furniture
Moisture contents higher than eight percent are suspect, and suppliers must be notified. 1998.

A source for submerged wood
A supplier for lumber cut from submerged logs is provided.

Worms in ash
Are worm holes in just-bought ash a cause for concern? 1998.

Pressure treated lumber -- O.K. for grape arbor?
A look at pressure-treated woods, then and now, and safety factors to consider in using them. 1998.

Best preparation for bent ash
Dr. Gene advises a fishing-net maker on the best ways to prepare ash for bending into frames for his products. 1998.

Construire avec du peuplier
Le peuplier est-il un matériau approprié pour la construction ? 6 février 2002

Another Wood Identification Puzzle
Sycamore? Beech? Mulberry? The forum takes a look at some old wood found in a barn and destined to be made into guitar bodies. January 28, 2013

Wood Drying Conditions and Musical Instrument Sound Quality
Instrument makers, musicians, and sawing and drying pros discuss whether kiln-dried or air-dried wood affect the way a musical instrument sounds. February 14, 2010

Sawing utility poles
Is it safe and practical? Advice from those who've done it. August 25, 2003

Sawing "Select" Graded Lumber from Tie Logs
A discussion of grading standards for "select" hardwood lumber, and whether it's a good buy as byproduct from sawing railroad ties. February 4, 2011

Converting Board Feet to Metric Units
You do the math... March 26, 2010

Sapwood and heartwood
Questions on sapwood and heartwood of pecan and hickory, and how-to instructions for quartersawing. April 4, 2001

Lumber grading: The basics
How lumber is graded and net tallies are determined. November 7, 2000

"Shop-Dried" Versus "Air-Dried" Lumber
A discussion of the quality and value of hardwoods that have been stacked and dried in a dry indoor area, but not in a kiln. March 26, 2013

Ways to Estimate or Calculate Board Feet
Rule of thumb gets you pretty close, and even methods involving careful measurement are susceptible to basic arithmetic errors. January 11, 2007

Converting Cubic Meters to Board Feet
The math isn't hard, but there are a few fine points. June 12, 2014

Lumber Strength, Dimensions, Orientation, and Grain Direction
An explanation of factors that influence the strength of a wood floor joist or rafter. October 1, 2009

Gene's value-added hints
A bit of wisdom on adding value to your wood products, from Professor Gene Wengert. April 2, 2002

Moisture content for exterior doors
Determining the appropriate MC for lumber that will be exposed to vastly different humidity levels. November 14, 2001

Converting MBF Price to Cubic Meter Price
Converting prices and converting volume aren't quite the same process. Here's a discussion. January 31, 2012

Five value-added approaches
Professor Gene Wengert presents ideas on adding value to your wood products. April 2, 2002

Checking of Dry Lumber
Checking occurs when the wood is very wet. Checking that appears in lumber purchased as kiln-dried is a defect. December 8, 2012

Black Locust Timbers For Fence and Gate Posts
A long discussion of Black Locust as a utility wood. October 1, 2009

How to quartersaw
Sawyers share details and pictures of their preferred methods. May 17, 2003

Board-Foot Lumber Measurement Confusion
A woodworker tries to figure out how to make sure he's ordering and getting the amount of wood he actually needs. January 20, 2010

Buying Lumber at Auction
Tips on assessing the quality of air-dried hardwood up for sale at a small auction. October 3, 2009

Ordering by the Board Foot
Clearing up the confusion about lumber quantities and unit conversions. April 14, 2005

Wood, the environment, and Man
A wide-ranging overview of the state of the primary processing industry, and where it may be going from here. August 10, 2000

The "Sustainable" Chain of Custody
How can a small shop get certification that its wood is sustainably produced, all the way back to the source? June 30, 2009

"Cherry-Picking" Lumber
Is it right to select the pieces you like from a stack of boards and leave the rest for the next person? July 24, 2006

Wood Choice for Reproduction Windows
Spanish Cedar, White Oak, and Cypress are options that come to mind for a durable exterior application. and January 23, 2014

Thickness of Rough Lumber
Identifying and sawing for specific dimensions. May 19, 2004

Regaining MC in overdry wood
Is machinability lost when lumber has been overdried, then had moisture put back in? May 17, 2003

Yield Loss in Ripped-One-Edge Lumber
A woodworker who has ordered a delivery of random length and width wood ripped on one edge and surfaced on two sides wants to know how much wood he can really expect to get. April 27, 2007

"China Cedar" -- What Is It?
"China Cedar" is a separate species grown in the Far East. However, Cedar logs from America do get sent to China and come back to North America as lumber, complicating the picture. December 30, 2007

Lumber "Shrinkage Fee"
Upcharges to compensate for lumber shrinkage are improper, say the experts (and the rules). August 29, 2005

Is storing cants feasible?
Can large cants be stored until an order for custom-cut lumber is received? February 19, 2002

Defining Quarter-Sawn and Rift-Sawn
There are both formal and informal definitions for "quarter-sawn" lumber. Here, cabinetmakers and the Wood Doctor discuss the fine points. July 5, 2006

Clear face in a log
Clear face, cat face and trim, defined. March 4, 2002

Converting log volume scales
When sellers and buyers want numbers in different scales, how do you come up with the calculations? July 22, 2003

Moisture Content of Western Red Cedar
A stable wood that is typically serves exterior uses, Western Red Cedar is usually delivered at about 12% moisture content. But you can find it drier than that. July 28, 2006

Is Tropical Wood Quality Slipping?
Writing a detailed spec for the desired quality can help you get the lumber quality you need. October 14, 2009

Mahogany Supply and Varieties
More info on what "Mahogany" really means, and information on the availability of various types. April 6, 2007

Rays and Flecks in Oak
Advice on how to select Oak with or without ray and fleck figure. September 30, 2009

Air-dried lumber
Is it air-dried cherry acceptable for furnituremaking? March 20, 2001

Sourcing Knotty Cherry Lumber
A discussion of knots, character, grading standards, and how to find Cherry that looks interesting. August 31, 2010

Treated Cypress Options
A discussion of surface coatings, preservative treatments, and natural decay resistance of Cypress used for outdoor shutters. July 12, 2008

Marine Plywood Versus Interior Plywood
Brief explanation of the differences between interior, exterior, and marine plywood. November 10, 2006

How Stable is Lyptus Wood?
Lyptus has a reputation for lots of shrinkage and twisting. March 20, 2012

Quartersawn and flatsawn: What's the difference?
Distinguishing between quartersawn and flatsawn lumber. January 16, 2001

What is the Hardest Wood on Earth?
Trivia for wood lovers. There is some hard wood out there, people. April 11, 2008

What makes a trailer load?
Determining how many board feet of lumber comprise a "trailer load." November 15, 2000

Poplar Siding
Advice on using locally sawn Poplar as siding for a house addition. February 14, 2010

Hard vs. soft maple
Can these maples be mixed, and what are the differences? January 21, 2002

Hemlock for homebuilding
The virtues and pitfalls of hemlock as a house-framing material. June 20, 2000

Plywood and Lumber for Boat-Building
Thoughts on suitable wooden boat construction materials, and where to get them. May 23, 2007

Purchasing kiln-dried lumber
Getting the quality and MC level you need . January 16, 2002

Burmese Versus Plantation Teak
A quick discussion of Asian and South American varieties of wood marketed as "Teak" July 13, 2010

Heart pine, defined
Forum contributors define heart pine discuss differences between heartwood, sapwood and pith. August 12, 2001

Basic lumber grades
An overview of NHLA grades. October 15, 2001

Hardwood Plywood Grades
Here's a concise explanation of hardwood plywood grades and what they mean. March 26, 2009

Catégories de contreplaqué en bois dur
Voici une brève explication des catégories de contreplaqué de bois dur et de leur signification. 26 mars 2009

Value added defined
Many definitions and interpretations are offered up. July 29, 2003

What is value added?
Forum participants give technical and personal definitions. April 2, 2002

FOB defined
Origins and meanings of the term "freight on board." (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Locust for Window Sashes?
Locust is durable and rot-resistant, but it's not stable or easy to machine — so probably not the best choice for window parts. January 23, 2014

Is Western Hemlock Suitable for Doors and Window Sash?
A discussion of the properties and best use of Hemlock. September 7, 2013

Northern Versus Southern Red Oak
The characteristics of Oak vary from North to South. Here's more. April 15, 2013

A retail lumber business?
Tips for success in a start-up sawmill-to-retail business. January 16, 2001

Comparing Tropical Woods for Use in Outdoor Furniture
Utile, Sapele, and Ipe compared and contrasted. Which works better for exterior furniture? June 13, 2011

Woods that Match Well with Natural Pine
Thoughts on wood species that pair well visually with Pine. October 1, 2010

Des bois qui s'accordent bien avec le pin naturel
Réflexions sur les essences de bois qui s'associent bien visuellement au pin. 1er octobre 2010

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