Home-Built Dehumidification Kilns
Here's a long discussion of small, inexpensive dehumidifier kiln design, including a consideration of the fire risks involved. September 17, 2012

Drying lumber - selecting the best method
Is a solar kiln the best choice for this startup sawmill? December 17, 2003

Electronic RH sensors
Can electronic relative humidity sensors stand up to the elements in dry kilns? May 2, 2001

Solar Kiln Collector Design
Keep it simple: as long as the wood is protected from direct sunlight, painting the kiln interior black works as well as more complicated heat-absorbing rigs. July 28, 2006

Dry Kiln Information Resources
A list of clubs, organizations, books and publications providing information about drying lumber for use in woodworking. 1998.

Why Insulate a Solar Kiln?
A long discussion delving into the mechanics of how a solar kiln creates proper conditions for drying wood. January 28, 2014

Kiln Control Technology and Drying Parameters
This mostly hypothetical discussion develops into a back-and-forth about whether wood stress should be used as a determining factor in kiln control systems. June 13, 2014

Exploring Alternative Kiln Technologies
Sawmillers try out, wonder about, and report on the Green Dri desiccant-based drying kiln from Japan. June 8, 2011

Heat Sources for a Dehumidifying Kiln
A discussion of the safety and practicality of various ways to heat air for a dehumidification kiln. November 14, 2009

Optimizing Fans in a Solar Kiln
Advice on housings and shrouds for kiln fans. December 31, 2013

Solar Drying Kiln Q&A
Basic questions and answers on vent sizing and temperature conditions in a solar kiln. January 18, 2011

Solar kiln materials
Advice on types of materials for letting light into your solar kiln. June 24, 2001

Construire un petit séchoir
Une longue discussion sur les considérations impliquées dans la construction et l'exploitation d'un petit four dans une cour ou un garage. 8 août 2008

Building a Small Drying Kiln
A long discussion of the considerations involved in building and operating a small backyard or garage kiln. August 8, 2008

Radio frequency -- vs. super steam vacuum
A discussion of these two kilns for drying large timbers. February 19, 2002

Solar Kiln Designs 1 -- Solar Heated, Lumber Dry Kiln Designs - Part 1
An in depth article by Gene Wengert and Luiz Carlos Oliveira

Vacuum kiln drying
How do vacuum kilns work and how effective are they? (From WOODWEB's Sawing and Drying Forum) January 21, 2003

Vacuum Kiln Principles
Vacuum kilns cause evaporation at low temperatures, but they still require heat — and that heat is tricky to supply because of the vacuum. Here's an explanation. July 29, 2011

Solar kiln glazing
Best material choices for a double layer of glaze. April 9, 2003

Solar kilns - putting it all together
Compiling and analyzing information on the efficient design and construction of a solar kiln. November 22, 2003

Using a Corn Drier as a Kiln
Lumber drying is a controlled process, that an agricultural corn dryer probably cannot accomplish correctly. February 15, 2009

Automatic vents for solar kiln
Can vents be left open at night or must they be controlled? (Sawing and Drying Forum) April 29, 2003

Is it Worth Kiln-Drying Firewood?
Considering the cost of kiln construction and energy inputs versus the value of extra-dry firewood, it's hard to see how the dollars make sense. January 27, 2008

Structural Insulated Panels for Kiln Construction?
The foam and skins used in some "SIP" panels may not tolerate the high temperatures in a wood drying kiln. May 13, 2009

Making a Drying Kiln from an Insulated Truck Body
This conversation touches on the quantity of heat needed to dry a load of wood, the advantage of using a dehumidifier, and the possible issues with corrosion. April 18, 2015

Adapting a Greenhouse for a Solar Kiln
Thoughts on converting a polycarbonate-glazed greenhouse to use it as a wood drying kiln. April 18, 2009

Modèles de fours 1 – Modèles de séchoirs à bois chauffés à l'énergie solaire – Partie 1
Un article approfondi de Gene Wengert et Luiz Carlos Oliveira

Solar Kiln Designs 2 -- Solar Heated, Lumber Dry Kiln Designs - Part 2
An in depth article by Gene Wengert and Luiz Carlos Oliveira

Vacuum, Dehumidification, and Microwaves — in One Kiln?
Here's a long, highly speculative, but informative discussion of the concept of using microwaves, vacuum, and dehumidification for drying wood in a prototype kiln. April 20, 2011

Solar Kiln Designs 3 -- Solar Heated, Lumber Dry Kiln Designs - Part 3
An in depth article by Gene Wengert and Luiz Carlos Oliveira

A Small Kiln for Final Drying
A woodworker needs to get his already kiln-dried stock down to lower moisture content to match indoor end-use conditions. Here's detailed advice for equipment choice and drying methods for a small-batch wood-shop drying chamber. May 9, 2007

Dehumidifier Kiln Advice
Detailed conversation about building, equipping, and operating a dehumidifier kiln to dry lumber. September 10, 2007

Troubleshooting vacuum kiln problems
An extensive discussion on vacuum pumps and vaporization of organic compounds in wood. February 28, 2001

Advantages of vacuum drying
What does this leading-edge technology have to offer? April 9, 2003

Kiln drying for higher profit
Expanding a molding business to include kiln drying poplar. November 18, 2002

Sizing Up a Kiln
This question about how to assess the worth of a used kiln leads to a discussion of kiln technology in general, including the different requirements for drying softwoods and hardwoods. October 17, 2012

Miniature Solar Kilns
Very small solar kilns are indeed practicable, if you only need to dry small pieces of wood. December 31, 2012

DH Kiln Drying
References for DH kiln drying instruction

Longevity of Clear Roofing for Kilns
Clear roofing panels vary widely in composition, quality, and durability. December 8, 2012

Solar Kiln Q&A
A few basic questions about solar drying kilns, answered. December 8, 2012

Temperature maximums for dehumidification units
and that's plenty. 1998.

Twisting lumber
What causes lumber to twist in a dehumidification kiln? March 20, 2001

Kiln-drying energy: Too cheap to save?
Sleep lost over the most efficient way to insulate a wood kiln will yield only lost sleep, not big savings. 1998.

Low-cost kiln plans
Information sources for constructing low-cost kilns. 1998.

Processing Trees to Lumber -- for the Hobbyist and Small Business
Two experts share their secrets of success for small-scale milling operations. January 19, 2002

Home DH for drying lumber
Home dehumidifiers versus bought kilns for drying wood. September 2, 2002

Paint for Solar Kiln Interiors
Details for painting the inside of a solar drying kiln, and some resources for kiln design. June 9, 2007

Solar Kiln Designs 4 -- Solar Heated, Lumber Dry Kiln Designs - Part 4
An in depth article by Gene Wengert and Luiz Carlos Oliveira

Cutting and drying beveled siding
Producing beveled siding from green lumber, with special attention to the drying process. June 24, 2001

Air-Drying and Kiln-Drying 8/4 Oak
Experts and kiln owners discuss the proper drying schedule and the best equipment for drying thick Red Oak boards. August 13, 2014

"Safe Drying Rate" and a Dehumidifier Kiln
A discussion of how to apply "safe drying rate" calibrations with a home-built dehumidifying kiln. January 27, 2007

Drying wood in a tent
Recommendations on how to use the sun's rays and a plastic tent to dry lumber. November 7, 2001

Solar Kiln Designs Compared
Thoughts on roof angle, dimensions, and other considerations for solar drying kiln construction. January 8, 2010

Calculating airflow in a kiln
Quantifying airflow through lumber stacks. April 2, 2002

Dehumidification drying of thin stock
Simple drying methods for small, thin stock. (Sawing and Drying Forum) March 23, 2003

Kiln-Drying Reclaimed Heart Pine
A few simple tips for a new kiln operator. October 2, 2005

Dehumidifier Kiln Chamber Size
A discussion of constructing the drying box to fit the dehumidifier capacity and the intended lumber dimensions and quantity to be dried. October 26, 2011

Geothermal dehumidification kiln
Can water piped from below ground help with dehumidification? July 24, 2001

Solar kiln instruments
Advice on controls for monitoring a solar kiln. October 2, 2001

A Detached Solar Collector for a Lumber Drying Kiln
A discussion of whether to add a detached solar collector to an insulated drying shed, or to use a dehumidifier instead. January 28, 2014

Determining MC by weight
Tools and techniques for measuring moisture content by weighing lumber cuttings. January 4, 2001

Don't send a home dehumidifier -- to do a commercial kiln's work
Are domestic dehumidifiers adaptable for use in drying small quantities of lumber? March 12, 2000

Solar Kiln at Work
Here's a look at a newly completed backyard solar wood drying kiln with its first load of lumber. March 28, 2012

Fans Size and Drying Kiln Dimensions
Considerations regarding fan capacity, kiln size, and lumber pile size in a dehumidfying kiln. January 25, 2010

Troubleshooting Wood Discoloration with High Pressure Steam Equalization
Advice on setup details to keep liquid water out of the situation when using high-pressure steam to condition wood in a kiln. June 13, 2014

Sawdust Insulation for a Wood Drying Kiln?
Theoretical cautions on the possible drawbacks, but a real-life success story. April 29, 2011

Recommendations for Fans for a Kiln
Advice on finding the right fan for the given kiln conditions (attic or greenhouse fans may not handle the required high temperatures). October 26, 2011

Solar Kiln Insulation^ and Vapor Barrier Materials
Closed-cell foam insulation and plastic vapor barriers are necessary to withstand a kiln interior's moisture load. August 21, 2006

Controls and Venting for a Dehumidifier Kiln
Advice on controlling the conditions in a dehumidifier kiln. August 1, 2011

Kiln Drying with a Household Dehumidifier
Rigging up a homeowner-type dehumidifier to dry small amounts of wood may be cheaper to begin with, but has practical limitations. April 11, 2008

Lumber Degrade Above or Below FSP
Is wood subject to degrade and defects above or below FSP?

Kiln venting
Are vents needed in a condenser kiln? March 20, 2001

Tracks for Kiln Loading Cart Wheels
Simple angle iron works for wheel tracks for small kilns. November 26, 2008

Home-Built Dehumidifying Kilns
Practical issues and concerns with building a drying kiln that uses an off-the-shelf dehumidifier or a salvaged commercial air conditioner instead of air venting. July 13, 2006

Pricing for Kiln Drying Lumber
Here are pictures of a drying kiln building under construction, with commentary on how to charge for drying wood with a dehumidifier kiln. December 8, 2012

Boosting a Solar Kiln with Propane Heat
Thoughts on modifying a solar kiln with supplemental propane heat to kill bugs and set pitch. April 30, 2009

Home dehumidifier for drying lumber
Can a home dehumidifier be used to kiln dry lumber? January 31, 2001

Modèles de fours 4 – Modèles de séchoirs à bois chauffés à l'énergie solaire – Partie 4
Un article approfondi de Gene Wengert et Luiz Carlos Oliveira

Dry lumber kiln -- buying your first
Business and technical considerations when getting started in kiln drying. March 19, 2001

Mobile Wood-Burning Kiln
Is a wood-fired, movable lumber drying kiln feasible? Here are some ideas. July 13, 2006

Vacuum kilns
Choosing between a vacuum and dehumidification kiln. July 24, 2001

Kiln insulation
A discussion of good insulations types for kilns and information on R values. February 7, 2001

Selecting Fans for a Solar Kiln
Advice on picking fans that will move the right amount of air and not fail from overheating. February 8, 2008

A Small Solar Kiln
Report and photos of a small, just-finished solar kiln. November 8, 2007

Solar kiln kits and plans
A discussion of various solar kiln plans and kits. June 20, 2000

Sizing Up Dehumidifier Kilns
Thoughts on the objective characteristics to consider when evaluating which dehumidifier kiln is right for you. April 11, 2008

Kiln velocity and sticker thickness
The necessary volume and velocity of air exchange, and sticker size, for a small dehumidification kiln are discussed. November 29, 2000

Fan Placement in a Solar Kiln
High or low? January 8, 2010

Micro-Scale De-Humidifier Wood Drying
How to cobble together a miniature dehumidifier wood-drying kiln. September 17, 2008

Residential Dehumidifiers for Kiln Drying
You need an industrial model to dry wood — the homeowner version is not built for it. November 8, 2007

DH kiln preferences
A look at dehumidification kiln construction, and manufacturers of DH units. July 26, 2000

Sealing kiln ceilings
What's the best material for sealing a kiln interior? July 18, 2000

Using A Wood-Fired Boiler to Heat a Kiln
BTU output and controls are the important concerns. August 26, 2008

Solar kiln construction
Specifications for a solar kiln. March 11, 2000

Solar or dehumidification kiln?
A discussion of the merits of two types of kilns for lumber processing. March 12, 2000

Stickers for stacking
Does species matter when choosing stickers to use in your stacks of drying wood? July 24, 2001

Moisture-Meter Accuracy for Veneer
Moisture meters will read a single leaf of wood veneer differently than a thick stack of it. January 11, 2007

Solar kiln construction - and more
are answered.

Kiln floors
What causes the breakdown of concrete floors in kilns? September 6, 2000

Small kiln construction and systems
Advice on where to find information on small kiln construction and operating systems.

Timetable for final processing of walnut
Stock in cants form should be processed in a timely manner. March 26, 2000

Aluminum paint for kilns
Options for aluminum paint for use on solar lumber kilns. March 9, 2000

Brainstorming About Vacuum Kilns
Inquiring minds discuss why vacuum kilns are so expensive, how they work, and the possibilities of building your own — or even improving on the concept. July 30, 2007

Pith Centering in Cabin "D" Logs
A sawyer wonders how best to avoid distortion as he produces wall logs for a cabin project. February 26, 2005

Pacific island kiln
Construction details for a kiln on a Pacific isle near the equator. February 29, 2000

Heat considerations in solar kilns
Solar kilns get hot enough to handle some aspects of lumber drying, but not all of them. March 6, 2000

Drying Hardwood Lumber
A publication from the Forest Products Laboratory. August 22, 2003

Bandmill enclosures for all-weather milling
Ideas for a structure to house a bandsaw mill, with thoughts on heating and dust collection. February 13, 2001

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